⏳ Day 18 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

"Can you take that cornbread out for me baby?" Mrs. Wright asked. I smiled a little. "Yea sure" I grabbed my mittens and took the pan of cornbread out the oven.

"You know how to cook Aaliyah?" She asked. I sighed and nodded my head. "Yes ma'am" She smiled. "You ever cook for Eric?" She asked. I shrugged. "Once...the night he came home from the hospital" Mrs. Wright nodded.

"That's good....I see the way he looks at you" she said. I bite down on my bottom lip keeping me from smiling.

"Come on I see you cheesing over there" she said. I shook my head. "What y'all doing?" I turnt around and smiled when I seen Eric walking inside the kitchen.

"Cooking... Why you not in the back with the kids?" Mrs. Wright asked. "I just wanted to check up on y'all" Eric wrapped his arms around my waist.

Mrs. Wright rolled her eyes. "If y'all don't get a room" She mumbled. I smiled and looked down at my feet.

"I'm gonna check up on your kids...Aaliyah watch this food" She said. She glared at Eric for a while before walking in the backyard. When Eric seen her leave he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked. Eric picked me up and sat me on the counter. "What do you want?" I asked. He gripped my waist and looked me into my eyes.

"You have no idea what I want to do to you right now" He whispered. I licked my lips and placed my forehead against his.

"Same" I mumbled. Eric smirked. He slowly pulled me into a kiss making butterflies flutter in my stomach.

We pulled away as we heard a knock on the door. "Eric and Aaliyah! I know y'all over grown asses ain't in that bathroom!" Mrs. Wright yelled. Eric and I chuckled.

"Aight Ma hol' up!" Eric yelled. "Mhm. Aaliyah hurry up so I can talk to you" She said. I nodded. "Alright" I heard footsteps disappear letting me know she had just walked away.

"Your Mama is a trip" I said. Eric nodded. "Yea..she only like that when I bring females around" I raised a brow. "So you bring girls up here on a daily?" I asked. Eric sucked his teeth.

"No...but I do have nine kids Ma" I nodded my head. "True" "And usually when I tell a girl I have kids they don't even look my way" I smiled. "You one in a million Ma"

My smile widened but slowly faded. "I wish I could turn back the clock. I'd find you sooner and love you longer" I said. Eric nodded locking our fingers together.

"I know...but all we need to worry about is now Baby" I nodded and sighed. "Alright" he kissed my lips one more time before helping me off the sink.

"I love you" Eric smirked. "I love you to Babygirl" I opened the bathroom door and stepped out. "Aaliyah" I turnt and saw Mrs. Wright sitting in the living room. I turnt to Eric who motioned for me to go.

I took a deep breath and nodded making my way into the living room. "Have a seat" she said. I sat a couple feet away from her.

"So....Eric told me alot about you" she said. I nodded. "And you know about his...sickness right?" I nodded. "Yes" she sat up a little.

"And your still with him" I was silent. "Aaliyah I don't know many girls that would do that" She said. "And I wanted to say thank you" I frowned.

"For what?" I asked. "For loving him and turning him into a better person" I looked down at my feet. "He really loves you Aaliyah and all the girls he been with....has nothing on you" I smiled a little. "God has a plan for you both"



Excuse the mistakes!

10 more days....are y'all ready?

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