⏳ Day 21 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

"You wanna get in the water?" I asked Eric. He laid back in his seat and looked around at all the people who were walking in and out of the water.

"A couple more minutes I just got comfortable" I nodded my head. "Alright...well I'm gonna go get a drink you want anything?" I asked. Eric shook his head staring at the water.

"I'm good" I stared at him for a couple seconds then nodded my head.

"Okay. I'll be back" I said. I stood up from my beach chair and kissed Eric on the cheek before I walked up to the beach bar. I took a seat and moved my hair out my face.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked wiping off a glass. I bite down on my bottom lip. "A lemon martini please...." I said. She nodded her head and started on my drink.

"Lemon Martini huh?" I raised a brow and turnt around to see who was talking to me. He had a mexican accent. I saw a light caramel man sitting one seat away from me.

I looked him up and down. "I'm Isaac" he said filling in the empty seat beside me. "Aaliyah" I said. He looked me up and down.

"You not from around here are you?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nah...it's that obviously huh?" I asked. He nodded.

"Wea' you from?" He asked. "I'm from New York... In America but I live in California" He nodded. "I've been there" I nodded.

"Here you go Miss" I smiled once my bartender placed my drink in front of me. "Thank you"

"No problem" She responded then walked off. I took a sip of my drink almost melting in my seat. "You probably get his a lot...but you are beautiful" he complemented.

"She is isn't she?" I jumped a little when I heard Eric's voice. Issac looked up at him and frowned. "Who might you be?" He asked. Eric looked him up and down.

"Does it matter?" He asked with and attitude. I held up my ring so Issac can see. He frowned and scoffed. "Your married" he said. I smiled. "Engaged" He nodded and licked his lips.

"You can step now" Eric said. My eyes shot open. Isaac rolled his eyes and stood up from his seat walking away.

"So that's what you came up here to do?" Eric asked. I frowned. "Flirt with random niggas?" My frown deepened. "Are you serious?" I asked.

"You think I was flirting with him? He started talking to me Eric" I said. "And you couldn't tell him you had a nigga?" I sighed.

"Eric we were just talking no flirting... Nothing" "Man whatever" He mumbled he turnt around and started walking away. I took another sip of my drink before walking after him. "Eric!" I yelled.

He igored me and continued to walk. He walked into a dressing room and closed the door when I walked inside. "Why are you being so insecure right now?" I asked. Eric wrapped his arms across his chest.

"You really want me to answer that?" He asked. I sighed. "Look...I know its hard" "No you don't know Ma....I can't see you naked without-" he stopped mid-sentence running his fingers through his hair.

I frowned knowing exactly what he meant. "Baby" he shook his head. "Can we just go?" He asked. I sighed and watched him grab his clothes. I shook my head and walked out the dressing room.

"So you not gonn' speak to me?" I asked. Eric looked up at me then back at the TV. I sighed and stood up walking in front of the TV.
Eric sighed.

"Can you move?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope" he sighed and stood up walking off the the bed room. I followed him and stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Don't ignore me" I said. Eric looked up at me then grabbed my face smashing our lips together.

I didn't kiss him at first but eventually gave in. Eric laid me down on the bed and started pulling my shorts down.

"Eric-" "You trust me?" He asked. I sighed and nodded my head. "Y-yea" he smirked and pulled my clothes off. I jumped a little when I felt his cold lips between my legs. I grabbed a piece of his hair and arched my back.



Excuse the mistakes!

Ohhhhh kayyyy.....to be honest I didn't even see that coming.😂😭💯


Aaliyah in the multimedia

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