⏳ Day 26 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V ----- 12:32 A.M

"Aaliyah! I didn't think you would make it" Francine said. I rolled my eyes. "Not like I have a choice" I mumbled. She smiled.

"I heard you got married" I nodded. "Yea" "To that patient...with HIV" I scoffed. "Okay? Where is this going?" I asked. She shrugged. "I never thought you would stoop that low...with a patient" I was silent.

"Well things happen for a reason right?" She asked. "Be safe" She said before walking off. I shook it off and turnt around minding my own business.

I just decided not to say anything to her. The old me would've put my hands on her. I grabbed the few paper work that I had and started on it. I began writing on my first sheet when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I slowly turnt around and I could've sworn my soul jumped out of my body. "Hey Liyah" Jordan said. I looked him up and down surprised at him being here.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked. He sighed and took a step forward but I stepped back. "Leave. Now" I demanded. He sighed.

"I'm sorry...I-I wasn't in a good place in my life and I never should've treated you the way I did" I was silent.

"I never should've laid my hands on you baby" I shook my head. "I'm better now... I stopped drinking and I'm getting the help I needed months ago" He said.

I folded my arms across my chest. "Okay" he took a sigh of relief. "You believe me?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Ion know if I do or don't" He frowned. I sighed. "But I see your getting better" I said. Jordan was silent.

"But I....can't be with you Jordan" I said. He frowned. "Wh-why not?" He asked. I held up my hand showing him my wedding ring.

"Your married?" I nodded my head. "Yea" he scoffed. "Wow" he scratched the top of his head.

"So I'm too late?" I shook my head. "We were never a good match.... When you came home after that war" I shook my head.

"I didn't know who you were" I said. Jordan looked down at the floor. I picked his face up. "Its not you it's me" I said. He licked his lips and nodded. "And I forgive you..for everything" I said. He was silent. I pulled him into a hug. "Have a nice life"

"Baby! I'm home!" I yelled. I closed the door and locked it behind myself. "You will not believe who came to visit me" I said throwing everything on the island.

I grabbed a water bottle out the fridge and opened it taking small sips. I froze a little when I realized the shower was on. I turnt around slowly and walked up the stairs.

"Baby?" I called out. I walked into the bedroom and frowned when the bathroom door was closed. I took a deep breath slowly turning the door knob.

I opened the door and seen Eric on the floor with his robe on unconscious. I dropped my water bottle and fell on my knees hovering above him.



Excuse the mistakes!


Eric in the multimedia

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now