⏳ Day 9 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

"I didn't think you would call back" Maurice said. I frowned. "Why wouldn't I? You buying right?" I asked pulling out a chair. He rushed to my side and grabbed the chair motioning me to sit.

I smiled a little and sat down. I scooted the chair up and cleared my throat. "But like you were saying.... Yes I'm paying" Maurice said chuckling. I smiled. "I'll pay for my own food thanks" Maurice shook his head.

"You good, I asked you to Lunch right?" I smiled and nodded. "Yes" "Okay then lets eat....whatever you want" I raised a brow. "Really?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yea why not?" I shrugged and grabbed my menu. "Just asking" I mumbled. I looked down at the menu and began scanning through the different types of dishes.

When I heard the restaurants door open I looked back to be nosey. I frowned when I saw Tomica stepping inside.

She then walked to a table where a light skin man sat. She took her sun glasses off. He had a beard and he was heavy. (Fat) I kept my eyes on them when I heard Maurice's voice.

"Aaliyah" I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows. "Wassup?" I asked. He raised a brow. "You okay?" I nodded my head and looked back at Tomica.

She sat across from him and sat her purse down on the table. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but Tomica seemed pissed. Dude didn't really care...he sat back and locked his fingers together.

She stood up and held her hand out. Dude looked down at her hand and pulled a white envelope out placing in on the palm of her hand.
She threw the envelope in her purse and slipped her sunglasses on before storming out the restaurant.

"You sure you're okay?" Maurice asked. I smiled at him and nodded. "Yea I'm fine..what's good here?" I asked.

"Wassup Babygirl?" Eric asked opening the door for me. I smiled and stepped inside while he closed the door behind me.

"I wanted to come see you, It was my day off today" Eric nodded and smiled. "That's wassup" I nodded and licke my lips.

"I have to tell you something. It probably isn't nothing but I feel like you should know" Eric frowned and took a seat.

"Okay" I took a deep breath. "I saw Tomica yesterday at a restaurant... She met up with a big light skin guy" Eric's frown deepened. "Was he bald?" I nodded my head.

"Yea..he was" I said. Eric folded his arms across his chest. "She looked like she was pissed, after she held her hand out he gave her a fat envelope"

Eric didn't say anything. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. "You're lying" I frowned. "Lying?" He nodded.

"How'd you know about him? Huh?" My frown deepened. "Know about who?---- what the hell are you talking about I told you everything I saw" I said trying to make since of this situation.

He shook his head. "She wouldn't do that to me" He mumbled. I sighed. "Eric what the hell are you talking about?" I asked. It was a knock on the door getting our attention.

I turnt around and frowned when I saw Tomica standing in the doorway with a bag. "I wanted to bring you more clothes....." She said staring at the both of us. I scoffed and looked at Eric.

He sighed and looked away. "What's going on?" Tomica asked dropping the bag and folding her arms across her huge belly. "Aaliyah talm bout she saw you wit Suge earlier... Is that true?" Eric asked.

Tomica frowned. "Why would I be with Suge?" She asked. "Maybe because I saw you with him..." I said speaking up. Tomica looked at me for a second before rolling her eyes.

"E please tell me you don't believe this lil groupie" I scoffed. "Groupie? Bitch you wasn't here for how long? Now you wanna spend his money on this fancy ass hospital room."

I said looking up at her. Eric stood up and stood between us. "Both y'all need to calm down" he said. I rolled my eyes. "Aaliyah let me talk to you for a minute" Eric said. He led me outside and closed the door. "Eric-"

"The fuck you doin' Ma? You gonn' call her a bitch in front of me like that?" He asked. I frowned. "Eric I'm not lying" I said. He shook his head.

"Why were you even there in the first place?" He asked. "I was there with someone." "Someone like who? A dude?" Aaliyah rolled her eyes.

"Why would you care? I told you that I loved you and you didn't even say it back..obviously you don't feel the same way." Eric sighed and scratched his head.

"She has no reason to be meeting up with that nigga, I already put her through hell with this whole HIV shit....you not making it any better." I felt my eyes starting to sting.

"So what you trying to say? You want me to leave? You already pulled me in Eric, I told you how I felt and you gonn' call me a liar?" I asked. He sighed.

"Why would I lie about something like this?" I asked hurt all over my face. "It's not like that-" "Then what is it? Cause it seems like you're too far up her ass. You'll believe anything that she says." 

"She's my baby mama Liyah!" He yelled. I shut my mouth and my lips made a straight line. "So that means kiss her ass? You have no mind of your own?" He shook his head.

"Fine, believe whatever she says..but remember that she didn't even want you to see your son at a time like this and she's getting money from a man that does not look friendly." Eric was silent.

"She has something going on and you're too blind to see it." .
"I'll talk to you later." I shook my head and he turnt around and slammed the door behind him.



Excuse the mistakes!


Aaliyah in the multimedia

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now