⏳ Day 22 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

"I gotta meet wit my lawyer later on tomorrow" Eric said pulling up infront of the house. I nodded and frowned a little when I seen car parked in front of us.

"Uh..who's car is that?" I asked pointing at a Jeep. Eric squinted his eyes and frowned. "Awe hell nah" he mumbled. I frowned.

"What?" I asked. Eric parked the car and sighed looking up at me. "It's Tomica" My frown deepened. "Why is she here?" I asked. He shrugged and opened the car door. When he did Tomica opened hers and slammed it shut.

"Where the hell were you!?" She yelled. Eric folded his arms across his chest. "Out" he said. Tomica frowned.

"Out where? I go to the hospital they said you checked out days ago Eric! Why didn't you tell me what was going on?!" She yelled. I sighed watching how this was gonna play out.

"Why do you care anyway?" Eric asked. Tomica frowned. "Why wouldn't I care?" She asked. She reached out to touch him but he moved away.

"I'm fine.... So unless this is about Dominick or the baby you shouldn't be here" I frowned a little. Tomica had this blank expression on her face. I could tell she was butt hurt.

I sighed and opened the door stepping out the car. "Eric... Stop" I said. He frowned. "What you mean?-"

"Don't treat her like this...she was just worried about you" I said. "She should be the last person who should be worried about me" Eric said.

Tomica rolled her eyes. "Man whatever.... And I don't need your help thank you very much" I frowned.

"Damn...I was trying to help your sorry ass out" I spat. She rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever she's telling you Eric it's not true" She said. I looked at Eric. He shook his head.

"I think you should go" Eric said. Tomica scoffed and looked at the both of us. "Fine....I'll go" She said. She shook her head and walked to her car. She looked back at the both of us and drove off.

We got settled in the house and decided to watch some movies. I laid on Eric's chest and yawned making him laugh at me. "What?" I asked. 

He shook his head. "You really can't hang huh?" I waved him off and he sat up making me frown. "I was comfortable you know." "Mhm." He pulled me ontop of him and kissed my neck.

I bit down on my lip and felt him squeeze my butt. "I don't even have an ass." I mumbled. Eric laughed. "It's enough for me." I raised a brow. "Really?"

"Yea,I love your body." I smiled and threw my arms around his neck. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Anything." His hands wouldn't leave my ass. 

"If..this wasn't happening to you would you be with me?" I asked. Eric frowned. "I just can't help but to think that we probably wouldn't have met." I said.

Eric sighed. "I mean..if it's meant to be then yea." I nodded slowly. "I just wish we had more time or if we had met sooner." Eric nodded.  "Yea me too." I smiled and kissed his lips.



Excuse the mistakes!

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now