⏳ Day 12 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

"Here you go sir" I said. The old man smiled and slowly took his pills out my hands.

"Thank you young lady" He said. I smiled and opened his water bottle I watched him pop his pills in his mouth and down them with some water.

"Aaliyah?" I turnt around and sighed a little when I saw Juliet in the doorway. "You need anything else?" I asked the old man. He shook his head no.

I gave him a quick smile before turning around and speaking to Juliet. "You need something?" I asked. She sighed.

"Look ion mean to get all personal at work like this but...can we talk? Please I need my best friend back" I looked back at my patient and sighed. "I'm fine thank you" I said. Juliet frowned.

I looked her up and down before turning back around and tending my patient. When I heard her footsteps disappear I took a sigh of relief.

"Friend of yours?" I shook my head. "No not any more" I said. The old man held his hand up. "Marc" I smiled. "Aaliyah" I shook his hand and let it go.

"Aaliyah....why aren't you two friends?" He asked. I sighed. "Long story" I mumbled. "I got time" he said. I folded my arms across my chest.

"Mr-" "Marc, my friends call me Marc" I sighed. "Well Marc... She was my friend once apon a time...but that's all over now"

"How so?" He asked raising a brow. I tilted my head to the side. "How old are you may I ask?" I asked. "72...." I nodded.

"Right... You must understand that you can't trust people including your friends " I said. He nodded slowly.

"Let me guess, she slept with you're boyfriend" I was silent. "How'd-" "I can read you like a open book Aaliyah" I was silent.

"When I was 23 I fought in World War 2....my family and J moved to the United States when I was 16 years old" I folded my arms across my chest. He sighed.

"I had this fiancé and she turnt out cheating on me with my best friend" I was silent.

"At first I wanted to kill him God knows I did but that War changed my whole attitude. Everyone makes mistakes and life is to short" I nodded slowly.

"You can't be mad forever. You've made mistakes to right?" I bite down on my bottom lip and nodded. "Yes sir" He nodded.

"Now do me a favor and make up with your friend up there" I sighed and smiled a little. "I will"

"Now" I groaned. "Fine" he smirked. "That's the spirit" I playfully rolled my eyes a little and turnt around walking out the door when I saw her stepping on the elevator.

"Juliet!" I yelled. She looked around and froze when she saw me. I caught up with her and stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"Hi" she raised a brow. "Hi....? "I wanna talk" Juliet nodded slowly. "Okay...well first of all like I said I'm sorry-" "Apology accepted" Juliet frowned.

"You didn't even let me finish" I nodded. "I know but life is too short, and you already told me a thousand times already" she you still need to earn my trust" We both pulled into a hug. "I missed you so much" "Same"



Excuse the mistakes!

Really short chapter😐


Aaliyah in the multimedia

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now