⏳ Day 7 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

I walked out of the elevator and started walking down the hallway where Eric was. I didn't like how we ended things and I'm hoping we could atleast apologize.

I knocked on his door and opened it I smiled when I saw him standing up. "Eric." He looked up at me and frowned. "Who's that?" I heard a female voice ask.

I stepped inside and saw a tall light skinned woman, she had long hair and her belly was poking out letting me know she was pregnant.

"I'm...Eric's nurse." She looked me up and down nodding slowly. "Awe, well Eric's getting sent to a different hospital." I frowned and folded my arms across my chest.

"May I ask why? He's only been here a week." I asked. She chuckled and shook her head.

"Because...we're having him at a hospital where It's close to home, any more questions?" She asked still looking me up and down like she had a problem.

I raised a brow and opened my mouth when Eric cut me off. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. I kept my eyes on that girl who was laughing hysterically.

"Yea" I said. He sighed and motioned me to follow him outside. I sighed and stepped outside closing the door behind myself. "So that's her. Your baby mama." I asked placing my hands on my hip. Eric sighed.

"Yea that's her....she came through for a nigga last night and let me see my kid." I nodded my head. "But..." I frowned a little. "But...you're leaving." He nodded his head.

"I want to see my kids 24/7 and in order to do that I have to switch hospitals." I scoffed. "And who's idea was this?" I asked. He was silent. "Mine." My frown deepened.

"Tomica's gonna help me move out and check me into Trinity, you can visit any time you want" I folded my arms across my chest. "Juliet was right I shouldn't have gotten too close." I said.

He looked down at his feet. "Maybe she was right." I clenched my teeth and watched him walk back into the room.

"I told you." Is what Juliet kept saying. I sighed and burried my face in the palm of my hands. "I don't get it, why every man that comes in my life leaves me? Or mistreats me?" I asked. Juliet sighed a little.

"You weren't really falling for him weren't you?" She asked. I was silent. "Oh my God Aaliyah." I shrugged. "It doesn't matter now, he's with his baby mama...who knows how many kids he has." I mumbled.

Juliet was silent. I looked up at her and frowned a little. "Why'd you get so quiet?" I asked. She bite down on her bottom lip.

"I have to tell you something" She said. I sat up in my bed and focused on what she was about to tell me. "You know when I told you you could come to my place if you didn't have a place to stay?" I nodded my head.

"Yea...what about it?" I asked. She took a deep breath. "I...uh." I raised a brow. "I knew because...Jordan told me." I frowned. "How'd he tell you? And when did y'all see each other?" I asked.

Juliet stared at me like I knew what she was trying to say. I thought for a minute and put all the pieces together. I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath.

"How long?" I asked. "Liyah I swear it meant nothing, I don't love him-" "How long?" I asked again. I finally looked up at her this time. "5 months." I was silent.

"Wow" I whispered. I chuckled and shook my head. "You can trust me Liyah-" I cut her off by standing up. "Where you going?" She asked. I walked up the stairs to pack my things.

When I left I checked into a motel. I didn't know what the hell I was going to do.. I couldn't stay in a motel forever.

Eric P.O.V

"So what's up with you and that nurse?" Tomica asked as she drove to Trinity hospital. "Does it matter?"  I asked not in the mood. I'm pretty sure Aaliyah hated me and I felt like shit.

"It does matter because I could file a report on her and have her fired for being with a patient." I cut my eyes at her.

"You really hate me that much huh? She doesn't have shit to do with anything."

"Actually, yes, I do hate you.. I hate that you continued to cheat on me before, while and after I had Dominick.. while I'm pregnant with your daughter-" "It's a girl?" I asked.

Tomica sighed and nodded. "Yes,but obviously you don't care." "Who said I didn't care?"

"Your actions E.. I know you don't care. This baby will never know you. She's gonna grow up without you just like the rest of your kids." I was silent. "You don't have to make me feel worse then I already do."

I said looking out the window. She looked over at me then back at the road.

"Well you should, because you didn't just hurt your kids. You hurt me too and now I have to take care of two kids on my own." Her voice started to crack and I looked at her.

"You never loved me,I know you didn't...you don't do this to someone you love." "I get it,it's my fault...I basically killed myself right? I left my kids on my own? Is that how you feel?" Tomica shook her head.

"Everyone makes mistakes and this has to be my worst mistake ever. I never wanted to leave my kids...I took care of all nine of them and I don't need you or anyone else telling me otherwise. I was a good father and when they grow up they'll know that too."

"I'm sorry-" "Bullshit." I rolled my eyes and watched the sun set.



Excuse the mistakes!


Eric in the multimedia

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