⏳ Day 3 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

I wiped his arm with a alcohol pad and placed a band aid on it. "You quiet today" Mr. Wright pointed out. I looked up at him and back down nodding my head.

"Yea" I whispered. He placed his finger on my chin lifting my face up. "What happened to yo neck?" He asked.

I pulled away and touched it. "N-nothing, don't worry about it" I said. "It looks like a bruise to me" he said. I sighed. "Mr. Wright-"

"Eric" he said. I sighed again. "Mr. Wright, I assure you you have nothing to worry about. Now can we-" "Where you from?" He asked. I stared at him for a couple seconds. "New York" He smirked.

"And what's ya name?" He asked. "Aaliyah" He nodded slowly. "Well Aaliyah, I got less than a year to live and I would appreciate it if you would atleast talk to me...I know I was being an ass and I apologize, Im still...in shock of all this" he said.

I was silent. "Okay" I said. He nodded his head and laid back. "So what happened to you?" He asked. I sighed. "My boyfriend...... Ex boyfriend and I got into a disagreement" he frowned.

"Big enough to leave a bruise on you?" He asked. I sighed a little. "Yea" He was silent trying to find the right words to say. "What you gonn do?" He asked.

"I left last night, im staying in a motel" he scrunched his face up. "Motel?" I nodded my head. "Yes" he shook his head. "Thats just nasty" "That's the same thing as a Hotel" he shook his head.

"Motel's are nasty as hell. You couldn't check into a Hotel?" I shook my head. "No, I don't have money like that" I said. He opened his mouth to speak when it was a knock on the door.

I frowned a little wondering who that was, since nobody came to visit him.

"Come in!" He said.  The door opened and a brown skinned tall dude walked inside. He smiled a little when he saw Eric and gave him some dap. "Wassup nigga?" He asked.

"Wassup Ren?" Eric asked. Ren pulled away and turnt to me. "Damn" he mumbled. I rolled my eyes a little standing up.

"I'll be outside if you need anything" I said. Eric nodded his head and watched me walk out the door.

Eric P.O.V

"How you been?" Ren asked. I shook my head leaning back. "Im fine" he nodded his head and looked down. I sighed. "Nigga I know you ain't finna cry" I said. He shook his head and took a deep breath.

"Im straight" he said. I nodded slowly. "Where's the rest of the boys?" I asked. Ren shrugged. "Shit, who knows? This shit is eating us alive" I was silent. "But yo, I still have that theory man. If that nigga Suge-"

"Don't" I said cutting him off. Ren frowned. "I hate to admit it but....it's ova. Im gonna die at the end of the day, its not y'all fault. Its mine" I said. Ren shook his head.

"Don't talk like that, we still have enough time to find a cure-" "It ain't no cure man!" I yelled. Ren closed his mouth making a straight line on his lips. "Its ova ghee, its ova" I said hearing my voice crack.

"Tomica....won't let me see my son, she's pregnant, My Mama depressed..." I shook my head. "Let me deal with this aight?" He nodded his head.

"You still got that condo a couple blocks away from here?" I asked. He nodded. I licked my lips. "Can you do me a favor?" I asked. "What is it?" He asked.

"You know that nurse that was just in here?" I asked. Ren nodded motioning me to finish. "Let her stay there? Until she get her own place" Ren raised a brow.

"Do you even know this chic?" he asked. I shrugged. "I know she's getting me through this difficult ass time" I said.

"And she's being nice to me when everyone dissed me" Ren nodded slowly. "Aight, I'll bring the keys by tonight"

I nodded my head. "Cool, but not after 10. She leaves around 9" Ren nodded his head. "Aight, I gotchu" He said. I nodded my head and pulled him into a half hug.

Aaliyah P.O.V

"Okay, im outta here" I said grabbing my purse and car keys. "I can't get a hug?" Eric asked. I raised a brow. "A hug?" He nodded his head.

"Yea, why not? You might not see me in the morning" I frowned hating when he talks like that. "Don't talk like that" I said. He shrugged motioning me to give him a hug.

I sighed and hugged him, I was pulling away when he threw something in my purse.  "What's that?" I asked. Eric was silent. I sighed and pulled out what he threw in my purse.

"No-" "You already have them, the address is on the key ring" He said. I frowned. "I cant take this......" "This my boy Ren's condo aight? He gonn' let you stay there until you get back on your feet" I was silent.

"Just go, do this one thing for me" He said. I sighed and looked down at the keys.

"Okay, but only until I get my own place" He nodded his head. "Cool with me" I smiled a little. "Goodnight Eric" "Night.....Babygirl" I raised a brow.

"Babygirl?" He nodded. "That's yo nickname, Babygirl" I smiled and nodded my head. "Okay...Night" I said. I gave him a quick smile before walking out the room.



Excuse the mistakes!

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now