⏳ Day 8 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

I ran my fingers through my hair and continued to fill out this paper work. I heard whispers coming from behind me making me turn around. I saw two nurses walking and staring up at me.

This was the third time today someone has done this. I sat my pen down and placed a hand on my hip. "Y'all got a problem?" I asked loud enough so they can hear. They shut their mouths and frowned.

"I thought so, kick bricks and stop mean mugging'" I said. "Whatever" they mumbled walking away. I rolled my eyes and turnt back around.

"Aaliyah" I looked up at Veronica at the front desk. "Someone's calling for you at Trinity" I frowned. "For me?" She nodded her head. "Yea" I bite down on my bottom lip and walked on the other side of the counter where the phone was.

I picked it up and placed it against my ear. "Hello?" I asked. "Baby girl" I rolled my eyes. "Yes Eric?" I asked. "You still got an attitude?" He asked. I was silent.

"No" I mumbled.  He chuckled. "Im sorry." he said. I was silent. "I was being an ass understand why you were looking out for me" I nodded my head as if he could see me.

"And I'm sorry for saying what I said."  Eric sighed. "Yea...." I licked my lips.

"Visiting hours are over in a couple hours up here, you wanna visit me?" I smiled. "You sure baby mama won't mind?" I asked. Eric sucked his teeth.

"She won't say nothing, she wont even be up here tonight. " I nodded. "Okay, I'll call off for the rest of the night." "Cool, im on the 5th floor room 235" I wrote that down somewhere and nodded.

"9:00 okay?" I asked. "Yea....and bring me some food. Some real food please." I chuckled. "I gotchu." "And a soda" I sighed.

"You asking for too much" I said. "Whatever, just bring my food" I playfully rolled my eyes. "Aight" After I hung up the phone and bit down on my bottom lip keeping me from smiling.

I grabbed Eric's room number and slipped it in my purse. I grabbed my purse and binder making my way to the cafeteria.

I grabbed a tray and grabbed a sandwich, two bags of chips, and a Gatorade. I stepped in line and tapped my foot on the floor waiting for my turn.

I felt a tap on my shoulder making me turn around. I frowned when I saw who it was.

"What?" I asked. Juliet sighed. "Are you gonna be mad at me forever?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and turnt back around.

"No.....I just don't trust you" I mumbled. She was silent. "Im sorry" I raised a brow and stepped ahead in line. "I know it was a hoe thing to do, I wasn't thinking...." I was silent listening to every word she's saying.

"Where are you staying?" She asked. "A motel..."  "Can you come to the house and talk? I miss my best friend" I looked at her and sighed. "I'll think about it" I mumbled. She nodded slowly. I turnt back around and paid for my food.

"You brought my food?" Eric asked opening the door for me. I playfully rolled my eyes and held a bag of food up.

"Yes, I did" I said. I closed the door behind myself and looked around the huge hospital room. "Damn." I mumbled. "I know right? Tomica went all out."

"With her money or yours?" I asked sitting the bag down on the bed. Eric sighed.  I threw my hands up in defense.

"Sorry" I mumbled. Eric dug in the bag and pulled his tray of food out. "So how is it here? Better or...." Eric chuckled.

"It's okay..." I nodded and sat on the edge of the bed.  "Your kids come by yet?" I asked. Eric nodded. "Yea this morning" I nodded slowly.

"Awe okay." It was silent for a while. "So what you been up to?" Eric asked. I shrugged. "I left Juliet's house" Eric frowned.

"Why?" I sighed. "Because she was sleeping with my ex and I felt like I couldn't trust her" Eric nodded slowly taking his chicken wings apart.

"Where you staying now?" He asked. "A Motel..I swear my life is falling apart right now" I mumbled taking out my nachos. Eric shook his head. "Nah you shouldn't be talking." He said. I was silent.

"This is what I'm about to do right.." He started wiping his hands and face.  "Imma let you stay at my place." I frowned. "No" Eric nodded.

"Yes, I have more than one house BabyGirl" He smirked. "You can stay as long as you want I don't care." I was silent. "I have the keys now." I shook my head.

"I don't know-" "I'm not taking no for an answer." Aaliyah stared at him. "You are a blessing you know that?" Eric's smile widened.

"So are you." I smiled and pulled him into a hug. Even though he was shorter than me it was like his arms fit around my waist.

I closed my eyes and said the first thing that came to mind. Even though it was too soon and a very very bad idea. "I think I love you."



Excuse the mistakes!

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now