⏳ Day 2 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

"Yea right, what is he really like?" Juliet asked grabbing a soda out the fridge. I sighed. "He's like any other guy I guess, at first he was a complete asshole but he came to his scenes" I said.

I grabbed a salad and a water bottle. "I'll see you later" I said. Juliet nodded her head. I grabbed a couple of ranches and paid for his food before going up to the 6th floor.

I knocked on the door and stepped inside. He was sitting on his bed typing a number into the telephone. I silently sat his food on the nightstand and wiped my hands on my pants. "Tomica" he said.

I was silent. I walked over to the window and closed the curtains. "Nah I-" he sighed running his hands through his corn rows. "I wanna talk to my son, can I talk to my damn son?" He asked.

I was silent. "Tomica I don't give a damn, I got less than-" he stopped mid-sentence looking at the phone. "Bitch" he mumbled.

He forcefully slammed the phone on the night stand making his whole tray of food fal on the floor. When he realized what he had done he sighed and bent over about to pick it up. "No, I got it" I said. I walked up to him picking everything up.

"Im not some cripple you know, I can pick up shit" he spat. I was silent picking the water bottle up. I sat it on the night stand and threw everything in the trash.

"Im gonna go get your pills" I said dismissing myself. I walked out the room and walked to the elevator. I was tired of his ass but I knew I was gonna have to put up with him if I wanted this bonus.

A couple minutes after I got his pills I made my way back to the room. I knocked first then made my way inside.

"Mr. Wright?" I called out when I didn't see him. I walked towards the bathroom and heard the fosset running. "Mr. Wright I have your medicine" I said.

It was silent. I sighed and knocked when the door swung open. My eyes shot open when I didn't see anyone there. "Fuck" I mumbled. I sat the pills down and ran a hand through my hair.

"Where could he be?" I asked myself. I closed my eyes thinking when I thought of somewhere. "The roof" I whispered. "The damn roof" I said.

I ran out the room and walked through the door that had the stairs leading you up to the roof. When I got up there I saw Eric standing at the edge of the cliff smoking.

"Uh. Mr. Wright?" I asked. He turnt around and sighed when he saw me. He blew the smoke out his nose and looked up at the sky.

"My whole life I wondered how I was gonna die" He said. I was silent. "You don't have to die like this..... Not like this" I said calmly. He looked down at the busy street.

"Let me help you" I said. "Can't nobody help me! Im already a dead man!" He yelled. I sighed holding my hands up.

"Okay.... Look you got kids don't you?" I asked. He was silent. "Don't leave them like this, you have to be strong for them" I said.

He took a drag of his blunt and shook his head blowing the smoke out his nose. "You don't know shit about me Ma....you really don't" he started.

"I didn't ask for this to happen to me, I never should've trusted his ass" he said.

I frowned wondering what he was talking about. "His? What are you talking about?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nobody....nothing" he mumbled. He looked down again. "I don't even know why you here, Just let me die" I shook my head. "No, I'm not gonna let you" I walked up closer.

"You still have time left... Use that, see your kids, your family." I said.

He was silent. I moved in closer. "Don't do this" I said. I slowly grabbed his robe pulling him back. He started crying in my shoulder. I slowly patted his back.

"Its okay" I said. He pulled away wiping his face. "Let's go" I said looking around. He nodded his head throwing his blunt on the ground stepping on it while we made our way inside the building.

"I don't know Mama....its hard" I said over the phone. I ran my fingers through my hair. "Take it one day at a time Liyah, I know it's hard working with the same man everyday" She said.

I nodded my head in agreement. "But you'll get through this, I promise" I nodded my head. I heard the front door open making me sigh.

"Alright Ma... I'll talk to you later" I said. "Wait but-" I cut her off by hanging up the phone. I jumped a little when the room door swung open.

"Who were you on the phone wit?" He asked. I looked down at his hand and saw a half empty beer bottle."You were drinking?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it, I asked yo ass a question" I sighed. "I was on the phone with my mom" I said.

"Yea right what time is in it New York?" He asked. "Around 9 a.m" I said. He was silent. "Oh" he mumbled. I slightly rolled my eyes standing up from the bed.

"I'm making Dinner" I said brushing past him. I walked in the kitchen and pulled out ingredients for tacos. I felt arms wrap around my waist making me sigh. "Jordan, no. Not while your like this" I said.

He placed kisses on my neck making my skin crawl. "No-" "Shut the fuck up aight? Don't make me put my hands on you" he said. I froze and felt him wrap his hands around my neck.

I wiped away a single tear that was running down my cheek as I packed my gym bag full of clothes and stood up walking out the closet. Jordan was still sleep in bed giving me some time to leave.

All I knew was I had to get out of there, and as soon as possible. I shook my head and turnt on my heels walking out the door.



Excuse the mistakes!

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now