⏳ Day 24 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

"You look beautiful baby" Mama said fixing my hair. I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed. "Mama" I said.

"Hmm?" She asked. I sighed. "Am I making the right decision?" I asked. Mama frowned. "Your not having second thoughts now are you?" I sighed.

"I mean....I love him and I wanna marry him but" I looked down. "I don't know if I wanna put myself through this Ma" I said busting out in tears.

Mama sighed and pulled me into a hug. "Its okay" "He's dying ma..." I said. She sighed and rubbed my back. She pulled away and wiped my tears.

"Let me tell you a story" She started. I sniffed and blinked my eyes a couple times. Mama grabbed my hands and looked me into my eyes.

"Your father and I decided to get married months after we found out he was diagnosed with cancer" I frowned.

"That was around the time I was born right?" I asked. Mama nodded and smiled taking a peice of my hair out my face.

"I married him even after I knew he was gonna die....because I loved him" I was silent. "And he loved you too and he wanted a better life for you" I nodded my head.

"And Eric loves you baby...I see how he looks at you and how you look at him" I licked my lips. "So if you truely love him" I nodded my head. "I do" Mama smiled. "And he loves you" I pulled her into a hug. I pulled away.

"Let's do your make up over huh?" I nodded my head and turnt back around towards the mirror.

Eric P.O.V

"Damn nigga....I never thought I'd see this day" Dre' said. I rolled my eyes and fixed my tie. "How the fuck am I supposed to wear this?" I mumbled. Dre' stood up.

"Let me ask that Juliet girl" he said. I sighed. Dre' opened the door an yelled. "Girl Juliet!" I sighed at his ghetto ass. "Juliet!" "What nigga?" I heard Juliet say.

"Help my boy wit his tie" I looked at Juliet through the mirror. She brushed past Dre' and walked up to me.

"You are terrible at this" she mumbled. I smirked and watched her fix my tie. When she was done she sighed and stepped back.

"Take care of my best friend okay?" I nodded my head. "Of course" she sighed again and turnt around walking out the door.

"You think she hates me?" I asked Dre'. He shrugged. I sighed and looked myself in the mirror. "The boys not here yet?" I asked. Dre' looked at his watch.

"They should be on there way" I nodded. "Aight" It was a knock on the door making me sigh. Im already nerves as fuck and people keep coming in and out of here.

"Hey boys" I smiled when I saw my mama walking inside. "Hey Mrs. Wright" Dre' said. Mama smiled at Dre' and back to me.

"You ready son?" Mama asked. I nodded my head. "Yea" She patted my shoulders. "You look handsome" Mama said. "How's Liyah?" I asked. Mama smiled. "She's fine" I smiled.

"How does she look?" I asked. "I'm not gonna tell you that" I smacked my lips.

"Wedding starts in 10 minutes...I'm proud of you baby" I was silent. Mama kissed my cheek and wiped a tear away before walking out the door.

Aaliyah P.O.V

"To be honest I never thought this day would happen" O'Shea said standing up with his drink in his hand.

"E was always well....we know how he was" everyone started laughing. I didn't want a huge wedding matter of fact I didn't want a wedding at all. I wanted to get eloped but Eric wanted a normal wedding which I couldn't argue with.

"I love you man and congrats" Eric held up his glass just as O'Shea did. "You okay?" Eric asked. I nodded my head and sighed.

"Yea...I'm fine" I said. Eric grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Remember as normal as possible" I gave him a fake smile and nodded.

"Yea" Eric raised a brow. "I can tell when something's wrong with you Ma...you don't have to lie to me" I was silent.

"If you regret-" I shook my head cutting him off. "No it's not that-" "Ladies and Gentleman please clear the floor so Mrs and Mr. Wright can have a dance"

Eric grabbed my hand and I watched as everyone clear the dance floor. Eric placed a hand on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"This doesn't feel weird to you?" Eric asked. "I'm in a dress how weird can it get?" I asked. Eric smiled. "I mean with everyone staring... And judging" I nodded.

"Yea" "Promise me something?" Eric asked. I nodded my head. He sighed. "After I'm gone you gonna meet someone else?" I pulled away and looked at him.

"Wh-" "Promise?" I looked him in his eyes. "I promise" I mumbled. Eric grabbed my face and smashed our lips together. "I love you."


Excuse the mistakes!

4 more days y'all.....💔

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now