⏳ Day 17 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

I grabbed my purse as soon as I seen the head nurses office open. "Don't worry Mrs. Gilmore..... Your husband will be healthy in no time" The lady smiled and thanked her before walking office.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Hi Im Wanda Mathers...the head nurse what can I help you with?" She asked. She held out her hand for me to shake.

I sighed and shook his slowly. "Nice to meet you....uh can we talk?" I asked. She nodded. "Of course step inside" she said. I nodded and looked down stepping inside her office.

"What can I do for you Miss...?" "Haughton" I said. She smiled. "Well what can I do for you Miss. Haughton?" She asked taking a seat. I did the same and took my purse off my shoulders.

"I would like to talk to you about early release for Eric Wright" she raised a brow and sat back in her chair; locking her fingers together. "Oh really?" I nodded my head.

"Yes...I understand that he doesn't have long to live and would like to spend it with his family" she nodded her head. "And your one of his family members?" She asked. I frowned a little. "No disrespect but that shouldn't concern you" I said.

Wanda frowned. "Well as the head nurse I have to ask those questions Miss if not there is no way he could leave this hospital....see he's dying from a virus that can kill you and others" I raised a brow.

"You you don't trust him enough to leave? Is that what it is?" I asked. She was silent. I scoffed. "Wow...this hospital is fucked up" I said. Wanda frowned. I stood up.

"Well at the end of the day you can't hold him here...you do understand that don't you? Or do we have to get a lawyer?"

I asked. She clenched her teeth and released it slowly. She then grabbed some papers and filled them out. "Here" she handed my the packet. "He's free to go" I smiled.

"Thanks alot" she gave me a fake smile then rolled her eyes. I shook my head smiling my ass off. I knew when I tell Eric about the surprise he's gonna go crazy.

"What? Hell no" I sighed. "Eric why not? Your losing precious hours staying here when you can go someplace more....fun" E scratched his head.

"No, I'm fine where I am" "You don't wanna go to the beach? Or maybe the carnival? I have the papers right here Eric what ever medication you need you could take em' at home" I said.

"When did you come up with this?" He asked. I sighed. "The night we had talked....I just want whats best for you E you get to see your kids before.. " I sighed.

"Can you please trust me on this?" I asked. Eric sighed and started playing with his fingers. "Fine....but if this doesn't work out-"

"It will....just trust me okay?" I asked. Eric nodded. "Aight" I smiled. "But first...I need to do your hair" I said. Eric frowned.

"Hell nah" I nodded pulling out my rattail comb. "Yes sir..you got to many napes for me" I mumbled. "Come on have a seat" I said. Eric sighed and slowly sat on a chair. I started taking his hair down.

"I was gonna wash it but ion want you bending over that sink...." I said. I grabbed my spray bottle and sat it beside me. "Aye dont braid to tight a nigga tender headed" I smirked.

"I'll try cry baby" Eric sucked his teeth making me laugh. "I really missed that laugh Ma" he said. I bit down on my bottom lip. "You know I been doing research" I started.

"And it say's that you cannot spread the virus with saliva. So we could kiss but only if its nothing wrong with your gums or some shit like that" I said. "Bleeding gums?" He asked. I nodded. "Yea that" I said.

"So what you trying to say? You wanna kiss me?" He asked turning around. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Please... Dont flatter yourself" I said. Eric smirked.

"If you didn't you wouldn't have looked that up isn't that right?" He asked. I stared at him for a couple seconds. It was true. When I did found that out I wanted to kiss him....but I'm afraid If I did I'd be leading him on.... and myself.

I rolled my eyes again shaking my head. "Its cool, I have that effect on woman" He said smiling widely.

"Boy let me finish your hair first you not walking outside looking like Kunta Kinte" Eric sucked his teeth and turnt back around. "You so mean sometimes I swear" I smiled and began braiding his hair.



Excuse the mistakes!


Aaliyah in the multimedia

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