Chapter two: Forced

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Today had been the last day of school.

My report card came home with my brother today. Luckily I was a smart kid so even though I was not there the last two weeks I still passed all my courses. 

"Sweetie please come downstairs!" My mother begged.

I just ignored her and kept quiet.

I sat in the middle of my bed looking across my room and out the window at the swaying trees. I stayed like that forever, never moving. I barely even sleep anymore.

I locked my door so no one can come in. But, if they really wanted to they could break the door.

I keep a straight face and show no emotion. Is there even a point for emotions anymore. No more tears fall.

I just feel dead inside like someone came up to me and ripped part of me out then left me the rest of me here to suffer and die.

Actually, I think death would hurt less then this.

In my time spent alone and in the quiet, my mind has been wondering to leaving, running away, to even suicide and then just to staying how I am now.

I know you may think that is a little extreme. But, you have no idea how close I was with Heather and I do not feel like bringing back any of those memories. Ever.

My thoughts are on death. Suicide has been on number one option. I have just planing it out. Planing how I will do it. Planing on when.

"Then maybe I can be with Heather again."

That is the only thought going through my head and that is why I am stuck on death.

"So this is depression" I thought.

I hear a soft knock on the door and by the scent I already know it's my older brother Jordan.

He was the school jock. Apparently the "hot" boy every girl drooled over. He was cocky and a player. I am sometimes sad to call him my brother. But, he has been really nice and sweet to me these last two weeks. It is like he knows what I am going through. Weird? Because I know for a fact, nothing like this has happened to him. He had a perfect life.

"Umm... Rogue can I come in? I have something to tell you." His voice was muffled by my door.

For some reason I wanted to hear what he had to say. But I never answered him. I just heard the door unlock. He must of had the extra key.

My door crept open at the slowest pace possible.

I sat on my bed not moving once only my eyes darted over to the door and looked at my brother.

He quietly shut the door and walked over to my bed and sat down on the very edge. He scratched the back of his head and looked at me like he was unsure of what he was supposed to say now.

Maybe he didn't think I was going to let him step into the room. That I would've snapped and told him to leave by now.

He opened his mouth to speak, but, quickly shut it. He sat there for a second. I began to get very impatient and irritated by him.

"Momtoldmetotellyouthatyouaregoingtothecottagewithmeandmyfriendsthisweekendtohavesomefunandgetbacktoyourregularself" he rushed.

All I did was raise my eyebrow at him and he let out a loud sigh.

"Mom told me to tell you that you are going to the cottage with me and my friends this weekend to have some fun and get back to your regular self" he repeated giving me a look.

I gave him a glare. Really my regular self. Ya no, that is never going to happen again. I can never be the way I was before.

Nope. Never again. The old me is gone and I am afraid of what is to come now.

"You have to, mom is going to force you out of this house." He said giving me a sorry look.

I sighed. That is the first thing I have done in a week.

"Okay, fine I guess I have no choice. Now leave" I said with no emotion. I could see the sadness in his eyes,  but, he just nodded his head and left.

Great. A weekend with my crazy brother and his crazy friends. Not going to be fun at all. I can already feel it.

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