Uh okay?

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It was her.

My grandma.

"Grandma?" I questioned and tilted my head to the side.

The men that were carrying me hurried over and each grabbed an arm and tugged me still.

"Let me go" I struggled against there holds.

"Leave her be" my grandma nodded.

The men let go and took a step back.

"I-I thought you were gone?" I asked my grandma looking back at her.

"Well I am gone. But not gone the way you were told. Why don't we talk about this back at the house. Your brother is there waiting" she smiled.

I nodded and she headed off walking back the way she came.

"Get rid of the body" she said quietly to the man beside her.

He nodded and silently got out of place with two other men and walked back to the dead mans body.

They picked it up and walked to the edge of the cliff and tossed it over.

I turned around and started walking with my grandma.

We walked for what felt like hours until we came to a huge chocolate brown mansion.

I was in shock. The last time I saw my grandma was when I was little and she came over every other day to babysit me.

I was told she was in a car crash and died. Little did I know that was a lie.

"Dear. Your emotions change quickly" my grandma came over to me and touched tense shoulder. "You were just happy to see me. Confused I was alive, shocked at my house and now angry because you were lied to."

How did she know all that.

I gave her blank stare.

I've always been so good at hiding my emotions. But still she could read me like and open book.

This didn't make sense.

I quickly regained myself.

"Sorry it's all just a lot to breathe in" I turned to look at her.

I stopped terrified.

Who the hell is this. It certainly isn't my grandma but they did an awfully good job trying.

I covered up my emotions and pretended I wasn't catching onto there little stunt.

"I'm just so happy you're alive and I actually get to see you."

It smiled back.

I wanted to so bad right now rip off there face and attack the person behind this.

It was a trap. But for what?

"Where is the bathroom?" I said looking around like I was lost.

"Oh, right down that hall the forth door to your left" it smiled.

I got up quickly and nodded.

I rushed down that hallway but passed the bathroom and kept going.

I heard a grunt and a low voice speak.

"Rogue? Is that you?" His voice whispered.

I slowly opened the door to see my brother tied up in a chair with blood dripping off him.

I quickly rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"I knew it was you. I could sense it!" He huffed.

I let go of him and kneeled down in front of him so we were eye level "Jordan, what's going on?"

"Rogue that's not grandma. It's mom. Some witch casts a spell on her so they would trick you into staying with grandma and then kidnap you and bring you home" he said looking my right in the eye.

"How do you know this?"

"I over heard them talking one day when I went to ask where mom had gone. Dad and alpha Sean chased me away and then I bumped into those three guys and now I'm here."

I was speechless. My family was falling apart.

All because I kept running.

All because of me.

*side note- I'm very sorry for the LONG wait on chapters now. But I'm very busy. So it's going to be quite a gap with chapters. Sorry! -Brooke*

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