Chapter five: So I ran

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I followed the scent that I thought belonged to Addison but it quickly changed and me being the Noisy Parker I am, I still followed the sent deeper and deeper into the woods.

I finally sniffed the air. Oh crap. I was not in my territory anymore and I have no idea where I am or which way to go back.

Suddenly the smell disappeared. I found myself just standing there in wolf form looking around.

I heard the leaves around me from a near by bush move.

I crouched down to the ground in my fighting stance ready to attack.

Then runs out a chipmunk. Wow. I am so stupid.

I mentally slapped myself.

I was beginning to relax, then I remembered I was lost possible in another packs territory and had no idea how to get back and it was night time.

Suddenly I heard a deep growl come from behind me and I jumped around to see a big grey wolf with blue eyes and white paws making its way over to me.

"Dammit." I thought to myself as I sniffed the air and recognizing the scent of the wolf right away.

The alpha.


I was not a Rogue well other then my name for human form. Maybe he could smell my scent of my pack? I hope so.

"I am to young to die" I said and mentally slapped myself for the second time tonight.

The alpha did not seem to care if I belonged to a pack. I was on his territory, possibly holding a threat and he wanted me gone.

Then 2 more wolves appeared from behind the alpha.

One most likely to be the beta and the other the third in command.

But I was not about to sit and figure out which one was which. I would rather have a tea party with a bunch of rabid squirrels then three angry powerful oversized wolves. Well I guess I could just call them werewolves.

I could tell them I am lost and I was up at my cottage for the weekend. Which is the truth. But I chose the difficult way.

So I ran.

I was not about to shift in front of an unknown guy more or less an alpha and his 'guards' so I did the next thing that popped into my head.

Which probably was not the smartest thing to do. But I did not care.

I ran as fast as my little wolf legs would take me.

I looked back to see if they were coming and sure as hell they were and they were gaining on me.

Right as I looked back to watch where I was running I slammed head first into a tree causing me to stop running and stumble around.

My head was pounding and my world went dizzy.

But for some odd reason instead of blacking out like I would normally. I felt a shock and kept running.

I looked back and made eye contact with the alpha as soon as his eyes met mine he froze and stopped chasing me.

I ran and ran until I came up to a clear water lake. It looked so pretty.

I looked down in the water and saw my reflection.

There was a nice defined bump on my head and I was surprised actually by how big it was.

"Hey dumbass."

"What who said that?" I said spinning around looking everywhere.

"Oh stop spinning you are giving me a headache. If it is even possible to have more of a headache after you ran into that tree."

"Who are you? Where are you?" I asked and strangely stopped spinning like the voice told me to.

"I am inside of you"

There was a pause. A ghost like laugh broke my confusion.


"Ya. You got it. That is right in your wolf." The voice inside me said. "The names Glider and by the way you might want to watch where you run next time."

"Oh sorry." I apologized. So my wolf can communicate with me!

I remember now my mom used to tell me old stories about certain werewolves that could talk to their wolf but they normally had a good reason for it or they were a special wolf with great unknown powers.

"Okay. Well Glider I am very tired right now and I have no idea where I am and I do not know if I am still in that packs territory and I want to sleep. Do you think you can help me?" I asked her as nice as I could.

"Sure thing. Plus I am tired too!" She said and I let her take complete control while I sat back and watched where she ran off to.

We ended up at an old partly broken down cottage. But I was not picky at the time. It has been at least two hours of her looking for somewhere and I knew for a fact we were both dead tired now.

So I walked into the cottage.

"Should I shift back or stay in wolf form?" I asked Glider.

"I think staying in wolf form will be better because you can defend yourself better and also you will not be completely ass naked" she giggled.

I huffed and gave in. I guess she had a point. I probably would have fought her on it but I was too tired.

I walked over to a gas fireplace and pushed the dial with my nose I really hoped it worked.

It is not that I was cold or anything I just want some nice heat and it also gives off a bit of light.

In a few seconds of repeatedly clicking it finally started and a nice flame began inside the glass as the heat came out the vent.

A shiver of delight went through my body and I walked over to a old ratty couch and grabbed the blanket off of it and placed it on the hard floor in front of the fireplace.

I wonder what happened to the people that used to own or use this cottage.

The last thought that went through my mind before a deep sleep took over was "I wonder what my brothers doing right now?"


Sorry about how short the chapters are. I'll try to make them longer in the future.

But I hope you like the book.

If anyone is interested in making me a cover that would be greatly appreciated and please vote, follow and comment!

I love feed back. Good or bad! Plus I also love having people give me ideas so future chapters!

Ok bye.


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