Old friend.

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It's been a week since Aubrey told me Eric was her brother.

I'm starting to feel bad.

I can see it when I look at her. She wants to go back to her brother but isn't because I told her he was my mate and I left him.

The pain in me heart was starting to get worse and I knew why.

I missed Eric. I missed him deeply. I just wanted to hear his voice. Letting my body react to his touch.

But I was afraid if I went back he would finally see who I was and what I was like and formally reject me.

I've had enough of running away. But it seems that's what I'm best at.

"Rogue!" A little boys voice yelled.

I automatically knew it was Luke and he sounded like he was in trouble.

I sniffed the air and quickly smelt his cute little scent but there was another scent I picked up as well.


"Luke! Where are you?" I yelled running towards the smells.

I could sense a deep presence around me.

"Over here!" His voice yelled. He sounded scared.

I quickened my speed in human form.

I finally reached Luke and he came running over to me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and clung on like a monkey.

"There's a creep guy over there. He's scaring me" he said looking up at me.

My body quickly stiffened and I looked down at Luke.

"Go back inside" I said quietly.

He nodded his head and ran off into the house like lightning.

Before I could turn around to look for the man he spoke and his voice was faintly familiar.

"You have a kid now?" He deep voice boomed my way.

I turned around to face the man and indecently sighed.

A big smile grew onto his face and I felt the excitement in me coming.

"RILEY!" I screamed and ran to him giving him a bone crushing hug.

"Hey Rogue. It's nice to know you've missed me. But- cant- breath." Riley said patting my back telling me to let go of the hug.

I quickly stepped back.

"Oh sorry" I said with a smile on my face.

"Well you've changed since I saw you last two years ago" he said tilting his head.

"Thanks?" I said giving him a haft smile. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

"Don't worry its a good change. But the question I asked before. You have a kid?"

My face held a confused look then I remembered Luke.

"Oh no. Luke is my friend Aubrey's five year old son. They're both rogues like you and I." I smiled.

His mouth fell into the 'o' shape.

"I see well are you going to invite me in or are we going to stand outside all day because it looks a bit like its going to rain" he said in a cocky tone.

I playfully slapped his arm "don't be an ass."

He chuckled and followed me inside.

We turned the corner to go into the living room and saw Luke curled up in a ball on Aubrey's lap on the couch.

"Rogue did yo-" she stopped herself once she saw Riley.

"You let him inside! He's scary!" Luke yelled from the couch hiding his eyes.

"Sorry Luke. Oh and Aubrey this is Riley my old rogue friend. Riley this is Aubrey my new rogue friend." I said pointing at each of them.

Aubrey smiled at Riley but he seemed to be a little tense.


"That was a good dinner Aubrey thanks." I said getting up and walking into the kitchen to clean up.

Riley followed me into the kitchen.

I had my back to him until I heard the door shut and lock.

I stood up straight and turned I look at him.

He looked stressed and really tense.

"Whats wrong Riley? You've been acting weird since you came inside. Is something up?" I asked being concerned for him.

"It's Aubrey." That's all he said.

His eye started going black. I could tell his wolf was taking over.

I quickly walked up to him and put both my hands on his shoulders and backed him up into the door.

"What about her." I said in a stern voice.

There was obviously something really bothering him.

"She's the reason my brothers dead. Her dads the one that killed him" his voice was laced with hatred.

"Your brother was Rider?"

He just nodded. I could tell he was struggling to keep his wolf in.

"Ok well just calm down" I said looking into his eyes and watching them change to their normal yellow.

"You really have a gift Rogue. You are very lucky." He smiled at my confused look. I just shrugged it off and started to walk away.

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you don't cause trouble with Luke or Aubrey."

He nodded his head and I smiled and walked off.


I'm sorry I didn't update all weekend.

Like most people are free on there weekend and can update. I can't. I'm my most busy on weekends.

So I'll try and update weekdays. Plus I have a hockey tournament this coming weekend.

But I'm sorry about this update its not really long and sort of a filler.

I'm going through some writers block so if anyone has some good ideas for chapters please tell he them I will be sure to dedicate that chapter to you if I use your idea.



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