The chase.

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I ran down the streets. I had no idea where I was going and where I was.

I could hear the sounds of cars and lots of other footsteps.

I knew I was close to the heart of the town.

I turned my head for a brief second to see Eric gaining on me.

His smile grew as I winked and started to sprint even faster.

I turned the corner into a busy street. Cars going both ways and lots of people walking around.

I almost forgot it was lunch hour. I guess this was partly the way I was going to see myself around town.

People gave me odd and deathly lookers and I ran past them sometimes bumping shoulders.

I weaved my way through the people.

I laughed as I heard Eric yell out my name.

Oh wait.

My names rogue.

In seconds my smile faded as I was cornered into an alley with five angry and very buff looking men. Well werewolf men.

"Um you might not want to do anything. I'm sort of really important!" I said with a bit of attitude.

The one guys spit in my direction and the other started laughing.

"Ha you're a funny one. You're nothing important your just a rotten rog-" he was cut off my a growl.

They all turned toward the furious looking Eric.

"Alpha" the one said breathlessly.


They all stood frozen to there spots.

"NOW!" Eric yelled using his alpha tone.

The five muscular men ran out of the alley in a hurry.

Eric's stern face quickly changed as he walked closer to me.

He let out a little laugh before speaking "my bad" he shrugged.

"Ya mister alpha. You better be more careful!" I mocked.

"Oh shut it. I forgot your name was rogue and it didn't look to too that I was chasing you" he said grabbing my hips and forcing me into the wall.

"Although I did enjoy that chase" he whispered into my ear.

I shivered as his hot breath ran down my neck. I really have to learn how to control my body when I'm around Eric.

He smiled as he placed a small simple soft kiss to my lips.

He pulled away oh so soon letting my wolf whimper at the loss of contact.

"Come on, all that running made me hungry lets go get lunch" he said grabbing my hand and tugging me out of the alley.

We walked along the sidewalk hand in hand.

It felt nice to be with Eric. Well finally BE with him and planning on staying.

But one thing was constantly tugging in the back of my head.

His mother.

I killed her when she didn't deserve to die. She was protecting her pack from a possible deadly rogue.

My stomach became knotted as we walked down the street.

That's when I noticed all the sad or angry faces I was getting.

Guilt washed through me as I weakly smiled back at them saying sorry.

But they all stuck up there nose and walked away.

That's when I looked up at Eric. He was intensely watching me.

"I'm sorry" my words came out less the a whisper as I bowed my head. I looked down at my shoes.

Eric didn't say anything.

I looked back up to him but everything started going blurry and black splotches came out of nowhere.

"Rogue!" My body was shook "Rogue are you okay?"

Are the last words I heard before it all went black.


Well hi.

So sorry I didn't update yesterday BUT it was Halloween. I was too busy scaring little munchkins that came to my door.

But here's the update. I'm not sure if you'll get one for tomorrow or not because I'm in a hockey tournament. But I'll try.

This chapter is short but the books about to get interesting.

Hope you like it!

Almost 2k read. Love ya!



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