Chapter eleven: A second chance

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*Eric's POV*

It has been three weeks since she almost died.

Yes I said almost.

It is also been three weeks since she killed my mother and three weeks since my father left my pack.

These past three weeks have been really stressful.

There are so many thoughts and emotions going through my head.

Like for instance.

I am pissed my mate killed my mother.

Confused as to if I should be that mad at her because if she did not kill my mom she would have died.

Scared that Rogue will never wake up from the coma we ended up putting her in so she can heal after we saved her from death.

Furious my father attacked her after he knew she was my mate. No matter how mad he was he should not have done that. I should have killed him right there and then but he is family.

And worried as to what my dad will do for revenge on Rogue for the loss of his mate and my mother after he left my pack and became a rogue.

I cannot take this anymore. I am going to go crazy.

I have been sitting beside Rogues lifeless body everyday just talking to her about the pack and other stuff hoping she can hear me.

"I will not give up on you baby!" I said kissing her forehead and walking out of her hospital room.

"She will come through this alpha Moon! She is a very strong wolf and human." Doctor Hebert told me as I walked out of the room and into the hall.

We walked down the hall till we reached the exit sign.

"You will tell me right away if she wakes up right?" I said with a strain in my voice.

"Yes alpha. Do not worry! Go home and get some rest." He said shooing me out the doors.

I walked home and flopped onto my bed.

Only laying down for a few seconds. I got up knowing I have work to do and started towards my office.

*Rogues POV*

(Yeah. That is right she is not dead!)

I could see.

I should hear.

I was alive.

But I could not move.

It was like I was sleeping on the outside but wide awake on the inside.

"I will not give up on you baby!" Eric said and kissed my forehead.

He had saved me from dying.

From being killed by his father.

But I killed his mother.

Guilt washed through my body and I did not like it. I have not felt that in a while.

Well normally you do not feel guilt from killing someone if you are a rogue.

But that someone I killed was my mates mother.

I would not be surprised once of if I wake up Eric with give me heck for all of it.

I deserve it.

No I deserve to be dead.

Eric gave me a second chance at living. I owe him to he a good mate. But I just do not think I can.

I am a rogue at heart and I always will be. Eric deserves better.

*Five weeks later*

All of a sudden a wave of pain went through my body.

My eyes flew open.

I flung up form my spot where I was lying on the hospital bed.

I gasped for my first real breath of air.

After two long months of being haft there. Listening but never being able to respond.

I was finally awake.

I could move.

I had control again.

I slowly relaxed and turned my head to see a cute sleeping Eric sitting in the chair beside my bed.

I shook his knee gently and his eyes fluttered open slowly.

"Rogue!" He gasped.

"Eric." I whispered as he wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged him back and breathed in his scent. He smelt like pine trees and mint. Like a woodsy smell. It was delicious.

"I am so glad you woke up! I missed you so much" he said cupping my face in my in his hands.

"I missed you too" I said those words and I meant them.

I will always be a rogue at heart but I got a second chance at living and I think I will spend it right and with my mate. Maybe.

He smiled and looped his fingers with mine and we just talked for the next few hours. Forgetting to call the doctor and say I woke up.

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