Chapter 13 *editing* Eric's father.

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Eric never questioned me about my nightmare. I was greatful for that because I really did not want to tell him.

"Anything you would like for supper Rogue?" Eric asked standing by the other side of the island.

"Um" I thought for a second, "could you make steak?" I asked politely.

"Yeah sure" he said as he walked over to the freezer.

I took that time to finally look around his house. Well technically our house.

As soon as I got up the doorbell rang, I thought Eric would have got it, but it rang again.

I huffed as I was stopped from doing my little tour of the house and ran to the door as the bell rang a third time.

I groaned as the person on the other side of the door started to none stop ring the bell.

"I AM COMING HOLD YOUR SHIT!" I yelled as I swung the door open to a plastic looking bleach blonde girl.

"Oh hi." She said. She looked a little taken back at the fact that I had opened the door.

Then it hit me. This was Eric's little bitch before I came into the picture. His little toy.

"Well, can I help you? Or are you just going to stand there all day like an idiot?" I snapped.

I was irritated by her presence.

She narrowed her eyes at me and took a step forward "ya, actually I was here to speak to my boyfriend, Eric." She said in a snotty tone of voice.

When she said the word boyfriend that sent my wolf and I over the edge.

Eric was ours. Not this slutty plastic Barbie doll.

"You listen here and you listen well. You little bitch, Eric is not your boyfriend. He is my mate and nobody elses. So if you do not march your slutty plastic ass away from my house I will gladly remove you from the area." I spat into her face while I was speaking.

She looked terrified but she quickly hid it with a sly smirk as she flirtatiously waved at something behind me then narrowed her eyes at me and swiftly turned to walk away.

I turned around to see Eric smirking at me.

I huffed and walked past him.

"Maybe I should get you jealous and mad more often. That was hot!" He said walking behind me.

I smiled but then quickly hid it. I was laughing in my head though.

I sat down at the island and he placed a plate of food in front of me.

We ate in silence.

Until the doorbell rung again.

I groaned in annoyance. But this time I decided not to get the door.

Something felt wrong. I knew Eric felt the same way as he stocked over to the door.

A gust of wind randomly came through the window. Causing me to shiver.

It smelt like rain outside.

And.. Blood.

Eric was about to open the door when I pounced on top of him and clammed my hand over his mouth and shook my head.

Then I knew he would speak I climbed off of him.

He had a confused expression on his face so I just pointed to my nose signalling him to sniff the air.

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