Chapter six: Giving up and forgetting

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*One month later*

So it has been a month since I left my territory.

For the first couple days I had tried to find my way back but failed miserably.

I gave up on the option of my family looking for me or even caring I'm gone.

My mother is probably having a party that I am gone because the last few weeks I was at home I was nothing but a pain in the arise.

But I am also learning to forget everything that has happened.

For some reason I like being a rogue better then being in a pack. But I know one day I will miss being in a pack.

But till then.

I stayed in that old broken down cottage for a week and now I am always on the move.

I never let my guard down just in case I run into another packs territory or something else comes after me because you know EVERYONE is after rogues.

I find it really ironic how I am a rogue now and my name is Rogue. Maybe it is what I have always been meant to be?

I do not know and I do not care right now. My brain hurts and my stomach in rumbling time to go hunt.


*Alpha's POV (Rogues old pack alpha)*

It has been a month since my third in commands daughter, Rogue, went missing while on weekend get away at the cottage.

Her brother came home that weekend balling his eyes out.

Once he told his father and mother she was gone they went completely insane looking for her.

We had most of the pack looking for her. That was going on for two weeks.

I finally declared she was gone or went rogue and called all of the searching off.

I let Jon take as much time as he needed off. I know it is tough to to lose someone so close.

I lost my daughter Elis the same way. She went up to the cottage with her friends when she was 17 and never returned.

But that was four years ago. I try to forget about it. It is a soft topic and I am not soft I am the alpha of this pack.

"Alpha Sean. I think I am okay. I would like to start working again before I go crazy of boredom at home" my third in command Jon said.

"Alright, welcome back Jon" I said getting up from my chair and walked around the table in my office and offered my hand out for him.

He quickly grabbed my hand and shook. He nodded his head and was on his way.

I sat back down in my chair and opened some files. I signed a few papers. I wrote a follow up report on the pack training.

I was almost done when my phone began to ring.

"Hello alpha Sean speaking." I said into the phone with no emotion.

"Hello alpha Sean, this is Luna Perry from the DarkLight Pack." She said in a sweet but still emotionless voice.

Luna Perry was a strong women, her mate alpha Gregory died two years ago in a Rogue attack. She was heart broken and went through a very tough time. But she got through it and did not step down from her position she man- or woman'd up and kept her oath strong and healthy for the last two years. She has earned my full respect.

"Well what can I do for you?" I asked sweeting me tone. I knew who it was so I did not see a reason to be rude and strict with non emotion.

"I was just calling to warn you about a Rogue sighting."

"A rogue sighting or rogues?"

"Just a rogue."

"Thank you but why if it is only one rogue should I be informed?" I said with a questioning tone.

"I am sorry sir but I can not really tell you. The rogue was chased off our territory yesterday by some of my guards but it gives off a powerful odour and is a unique colouring. I think it is one of those 'special wolves' but I was just wanting you to know it was spotted by your territory line not to long ago this afternoon."

"Oh thank you. I will keep an eye out! Is that all?"

"Yes that is all. Have a good day alpha Sean."

"You too Luna Perry" I said an hung up the phone.


*Rogues POV*

I knew I was getting really close to a packs territory line because I sense the scent change.

But for some reason the smell was very familiar.

I kept walking until I could see the town in the territory.

Then it hit me. It was my old pack.

Thoughts in my mind were everywhere.

Should I go back?

Should I say hi?

Would they even want me back?

I wonder if they looked for me?

Should I keep going?

Should I ignore the fact I found my way home?

"Do not go home." My wolf commented.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Think of what it feels like to be a rogue! Come on. Do you really want to go back and be made fun of for your look? Do you really want people treating you like you will break any second because of what happened to Heather? They have not changed! But you have. Do not go back!"

I guess she had a good point.

And that was that. I was not going home. Not even to say goodbye forever because this could possibly be the last time I am this close to home.

"Okay! I am not going back. I am a rogue. I am what I was meant to be" I said looking back at my old pack and frowning.

I had a lot of good memories there. Mostly all of them with Heather and now that she is gone they are just reminders of the old life and what I 'had' and I do not want that.

I do not want to remember.

This is my new life.

The past is behind me.

"Alright now lets get a movin' in the direction before your old pack finds us!" My wolf shouted and broke my thoughts.

I whispered to myself.

"I am finally free."


So the chapter is small sorry.

But I'm surprised this book has 50 reads already. Normally my books take forever to get reads and I just started this three days ago!

Thank you!

Oh and don't worry there won't be a note at the end of each chapter.




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