My guard.

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A week later.

It's been a week since I came back to Eric.

I feel whole again. That pain in my heart is gone.

But it's been replaced with another feeling I don't like.


I'm supposed to be a big strong Luna to a pack now and I don't know if I can do it.

There's been this feeling that someone's been watching me recently too but I just shrug it off.

"Hey rogue, I want you to meet someone." Eric yelled.

I quickly climbed up from the couch and moved across the floor slowly getting closer to his office.

I opened the door slightly and slipped in.

I was greeted by Eric's warm smile and a very dark intimidating mans stern face.

I looked at the man with a glare. I knew exactly why he was here.

"YOU GOT ME A DAMN GUARD!" I yelled stomping my feet.

Eric sighed "with you excuse me for a second Martin" Eric glared at me while he spoke.

I could see the dark intimidating guy, I guess his name was Martin had a sly smile on his face.

I gave him the figure and the smile was gone. I was tugged out of the room by a very angry Eric.

"What the hell" I said pointing back at the now closed door.

"Rogue would you stop for a second." He said trying to calm himself down.

"Fine" I huffed.

"Okay. So yes I did get you a guard. Why? Well because you have tried to run away from my twice and it worked once and you were gone for haft a year. I can't go through that again!" He said in a serious voice but I could hear the sadness in it too.

Okay, now I felt bad.

I felt like he wasn't finished what he wanted to say so I stayed quiet waiting for him to speak again.

It would be best if he told me everything.

He sighed and continued "I'm not getting you a guard because I don't think you can handle or take care of yourself or that I don't trust you because I do but I just don't want you running off again" he weakly smiled.

My face held a frown as I listened to him speak. I tried to hide it though. I put my head down and nodded and attempted to walk away.

I was about to take a step away but I felt his heavy hot grip on my upper arm tugging me back in front of him.

His warm touch on my skin sending my body into tingles. My knee began to feel weak and I backed up against the wall so I didn't fall.

Something flashed in Eric's eyes and his intense stare pined me to my spot as he stocked his way over to me.

His hand dropping from my arm. A small whimper fell from my mouth at the loss of contact but it didn't last long.

His hands grabbed my hips holding me in my place up against the wall.

I gasped as Eric closed the distance between our bodies.

His eyes shifted from there normal bright yellow to a sparky black.

My breathing uneven. The area around us becoming very hot and tense.

I looked up into his sparky eyes while pulling my bottom lip into my mouth. A smirk forming on his lips.

"You have no idea how hot you look when you do that. I just want to kis-" I cut him off.

I've had enough of this. It's like teasing a dog with a bone.

I crashed my lips into his.

Hot tingles shot through my body as Eric's lips moved in sink with mine.

Eric's teeth nibbled asking for entrance but I denied it remembering about our guest in his office.

Eric grunted and gave up his attempt. I put my hands on his chest gently pushing him back.

A wide grin plastered on his face.

He leaned in again. He lispe ghosting over mine before he moved over to my ear and whispered "you have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you."

I blush at his words. Them having more of an effect on me than he expected.

His lips ghosted down my neck before stopping at my collar bone and placing a light kiss on it.

I gasped at his light actions. My body shook with intense pleaser something I haven't felt before.

I could feel Eric smiled against my neck. What he did next caught me completely off guard.

He began lightly suckling on that spot.

A gasp fell from my lips as he sucked harder. His hands tightly gripped my hips as pushed me against the wall so I was unable to wiggle out of his hold.

A moan left my mouth as he began to nip and bite on my neck "Eric" I said breathlessly.

He was sure to leave a nasty love bite once he's done.

I felt him smile against my neck as he placed a light lingering kiss to the newly sensitive skin.

He pulled back and smiled at his work "looks good on you" he brushed his figure along it gently.

I sucked in a hard breath and glared at him.

He just smiled. I stood up in my tip toes to look over his shoulder in the mirror across the hall.

A loud gasp fell from my mouth as I effortlessly saw the horrible looking purple spot on my neck.

"Eric!" I said hitting his chest playfully.

"You're just lucky that's all I did. You make it so hard for me to control myself" he said leaning in again.

But this time I put my finger on his lips and pushed him away.

"Nuh huh." I said waving my fingered playfully in front of his face.

He glared at me and went to grab my wrist before he was interrupted by someone clearing there throat.

"I believe you said you needed a minute to talk to her not the rest of the day to make out?" Martin playfully said.

Eric groaned and my cheeks flushed a deep red.

I could tell him and Eric were close.

Eric grabbed my hand and tugged my along behind him and back into the office so we could talk about and with my new guard.

Great. Note to sarcasm.


Awe there first kiss. But wow that was getting a little heated.

Oh well. If you don't like the PDA in the chapters don't read it. I think it makes it more interesting. Kill me eh?

Well the chapter was pretty boring I write. But I think I've over come my writers block.

Well hope you liked the chapter!

Bye for now.

If you want the net chapter tomorrow I need:

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