I'm back.

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I opened my eyes from the darkness for the second time.

This time I was in a white room but it wasn't never ending.

I squinted at the brightness but slowly got comfortable.

I looked around. I was in a hospital room.

I heard someone's heavy breathing come from my other side.

I turned my head and saw Eric's large body slumped in a chair beside my bed.

He looked very uncomfortable.

"Eric" I whispered running my fingers through his dark curls.

He groaned and grabbed my wrist tugging it from he hair.

I smiled as his eyes shot open.

He obviously just realized I was the cause of his awakening.

"Rogue!" He said breathlessly.

He grabbed me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

I smiled. He pulled back and I could see his face relax.

"I thought I lost you" he whispers looking down but right back up at me "what happened you've been out for five day?"

Wow. I didn't think my little discussion with his mother was five days.

I really didn't have an answer o his question so I just stayed quiet.

He heavily sighed and smiled weakly at me "I'm just glad you're awake now."

He leaned over top of me and placed a small sweet kiss to my forehead.


A week later I was allowed to go home.

As soon as we reached the front steps Eric unlocked the door and I ran past him and to the fridge.

"Woah! Rogue calm down. The doctor said you should take it easy for the next few days" his voice was laced with concern.

I just shrugged him off and opened the fridge.

I was about to grab some leftovers when two strong arms were wrapped around my waist.

I yelped as I was tugged into the air.

Eric never seem to stop amazing me. He was drop dead gorgeous, extremely strong and athletic. But for some reason I felt as if I still didn't know him.

I was softly placed down on a stool on the other side of the island.

Eric pointed his finger at me "stay!"

I huffed and did as he said. For a moment that is, until I thought of his mother and what she told me.

I quietly hopped off the stool and made a run for the small library we had.

I reached the library and locked the door.

A few seconds after I could hear Eric yelling my name.

He was obviously looking for me, so I didn't have much time.

I quickly ran off into the books looking for something that could help me.

"Ah ha!" I said grabbing a witch craft book.

I had already read a werewolf one when I was little it was part of my schooling.

There was nothing in the werewolf book I red about the "red wolf" so maybe it's in a witch craft one?

Just as I was about to turn as head out to Eric who was most likely angrily looking for me. I saw a shiny red book on a shelf separated from all the other books.

I felt myself walking closer to it, so I could read the name.

The words "Red Wolf" popped out at me in black inc once I got close enough.

I gasped and put the with craft book back and ran to the book in which I honestly was so interested in reading.

I grabbed it off the shelf and dusted it off just as there was a heavy knock on the other side of the door.

Eric angry voice boomed form the other side "Rogue! Get out here now!"

I shoved the large book under my shirt and behind my back.

I sighed as I made my way over to the door.

I slowly unlocked it and opened it to see Eric standing there looking relieved I opened the door.


"What are you doing?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

I almost panicked. I don't want Eric to figure out what I was going to do.

"I-I-I was just READING!" I yelled a bit to quickly.

He shrugged it of, not wanting to press any further and I was happy.

He smiled "ok well I'm making some dinner I'll call you when I'm done. Make sure you come this time though" he glared playfully.

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and he walk off.

I shut the door again and locked it.

I looked around the library for somewhere to sit.

I spotted a bean bag in the far corner.

I sat down and began to read.


Ya, ya short chapter I know. Sorry..

Not much to say but I hope you liked it sorry about not updating yesterday.



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