"Red wolf."

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My eyes shot open.

The room I was in was bright causing me to squint my eyes but it wasn't helping.

I groaned and flopped back.

"Ow!" I yelped as my head smashed off something hard.

The rooms brightness never dimmed but I found myself adjusting to the bright white.

I looked around and that's all I saw.


Was I dead?

"Hello?" I whispered.

My fear kicking in.

I was to young to die.

"Sh sweetie calm down" I soft voice boomed around me.

I swung my arms as I twirled in a circle to find the source of the voice.

A middle aged average height lady stood in front of me now. She looked oddly framiliar.

"D-do I know you?" I stuttered as she took a step even closer.

She was now standing right in front of me.

"You do know who I am. We never actually met formally because a tragedy between us took my life" she said with a weak smile.

She had long black hair and blue and silver eyes. She was skinny and about my height.

Then it hit me. With the resemblance to Aubrey and Eric plus the new information she has giving me I knew exactly who the women was.

It was there mother. There mother that I killed over half a year ago.

I felt tears build up in my eyes.

I took her life before I got to even know her. I took my mates mothers life.

I wish I had acted different that day.

"I-I'm so sorry" I said in less than a whisper. I hung my head in shame.

"Oh sweetie don't cry" she said wrapping her arms around me.

One thing was tugging in my head.

Why was I here?

"Am I dead?" I squeaked out.

She laughed a little.

I looked up to her with a confused look on my face.

"Oh no sweetie! You're not dead. But fate has brought us together today to give second changes" she smiled letting go of me.

She took a step back. My face still held the confused look.

I was trying to process her words but she spoke again.

"I have some very important information for you sweetie. I need you to understand. This is going to effect both our lives."

"Lives? But you're dead?"

She cringed at the word 'dead.'

"Just listen" she said in a bit of a stern voice.

I just nodded my head.

"Ok well I know you've noticed some unusual things about yourself especially when your in your wolf form?"

I just nodded, not wanting to interrupt her.

"Well there's a reason for all of this. You've been blessed or cursed how ever you like to look at it with extra werewolf blood which you don't need for your wolf so it turned into certain powers the gods give. Only certain pups are picked before birth to be like this and you're one of them."

She paused as I took a deep breath. Now that I think about it I have been noticing those type of things like my eye colour.


She caught me off guard when she said 'but.' I shivered as I looked her way.

I desperately wanted to know what she had to say next but part of me was terrified.

"You know how your wolf is an unusual colour like your human hair. Well there's also I reason for that. You're the one and only 'red wolf.' There is only one born every. 500 years."

She took a deep breath before continuing "your parents had known about this since the day you were born. It was supposed to be there job to tell you once you became 16 but that clearly didn't happened once the death of Heather came and then you became a rogue shortly after."

Everything she was saying was being carved into my brain. This was a lot to take in.

"But what I'm trying to say is you're a rare type of wolf. Our ancestors used to call you "the red wolf" or "the special one" you don't just have extra wolf blood you have a full mix of witch and wolf blood" she looked me in the eyes to see if I was still listening.

I weakly smiled.

"So with your mixed blood between witch and wolf is allowing you to do all the with craft like spells and wishes can bring back the dead but while still being a wolf. I guess it is fate that brought you to me today but-" I cut her off.

I knew exactly what she wanted. I wanted it too.

"Ill do it" is all I said and she jumped at me crushing my body into hers.

"Thank you Rogue!" She squealed. She kissed my cheek and swiftly turned away and walked into the whiteness.

I was now left alone in this white deserted never ending space by myself and with my new thoughts.

I was about to walk the way Eric's mom went but quickly stopped.

My head began to pound and my body felt weak. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor in pain.

Everything stopped once it all went black.


Hey! Sorry there wasn't an update this weekend. :(

I was in a hockey tournament. My team got second and I was to tired to update last night.

Well I think after 6 hockey games in 3 days anyone would be tired.

Well this update wasn't the biggest but whatever. Maybe I'll do a double one tonight. (If my cat gets off my stomachs so I can get my iPod charger before my iPod dies.)

But who saw that coming! A witchwerewolf? Lol. Ya lame but who cares!

Hope you like it!

Enough of me for now!



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