Chapter twelve: Nightmare

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*Three days later*

I got to go home from the hospital yesterday but I was told to rest a lot and to not do anything too extreme.

I was now just sitting on the couch in Eric's office. His walls were just plan white. But all the book shelves and his desk where dark chocolate brown and his couch and office chair were pitch black. It was a cozy feeling to me.

He was just signing some sort of papers and I just sat there looking around. It was nice just to have him in my presence.

My stomach let out a low growl and I tired to think when was the last time I ate something.

I got up from my spot and walked off to the kitchen.

I looked through the fridge. Nothing.

I looked through the cubers. Nothing.

"Eric! I am hungry!" I yelled in a little kid voice.

I heard his deep chuckle getting louder as he made his way closer to me.

"What would you like to eat princess?" He said slinging his arm around my waist.

Warm tickles traveled through my body sending me to shiver.

His smile grew at the reaction my body had toward him.

"I do not know. Make me something! I am going to die of hunger." I pleaded.

I probably could have found something to eat but I was to lazy and wanted him to make it for me.

He started boiling water and grabbed two boxes of macaroni.

I door bell ran and I jumped off the stool I was sitting on and ran to the door.

I opened it to a large man smiling at me.

"Hello Luna" he bowed his head.

"L-Luna?" I said turning to look at Eric. Who was glaring at the other man.

"Alpha Moon" the man bowed again showing his respect.

I know I officially excepted Eric as my mate in my head but I do not know about being Luna the female alpha.

The thought never crossed my mind before.

I do not think I can run a pack.

I should have thought of it though. Knowing Eric was the alpha. I was his mate so that makes me Luna.

"Come in David."

So the guys names David.

I wonder what rank he is?

"Rogue, this is David our third in command." Eric told me.

I smiled at David and Eric seem pleased.

"Go make me my food man!" I yelled playfully at Eric.

He rolled his eyes and walked off into the kitchen.

I found an awkward silence filling the room between David and I so I walked off into the kitchen right as Eric placed a plate of food in front of me.

"Thanks babe" I said batting my eye lashes.

Eric and I have still have yet to share our first kiss on the lips and I really hope it is perfect.

Eric rolls his eyes and walked off into his office with David.

I guess they had "pack" stuff to do.

I finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen.

The whole time I had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

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