Harder then a boner for Meagan Fox

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Tracey's pov

High school. It's like a jungle. Period. You gotta learn to survive, have a routine and keep out the way.

At least for some.

You got the small animals, the quiet type, invisible, never knew they were there.

Then you have the prey, attacked by bigger, wilder, and faster animals. They're normals, nerds and sometimes loners.

Then you have the predators. Basically the jocks, cheerleaders and rich kids. Me. I'm not in any of that shit.

I'm not even on the goddamn animal chart I stay to myself and no one messes with me.

I'm Tracy Mackentire. Weird name right, it's true nobody messes with me except for the one girl who pushes it.

Ayielle Lordson.

Her ass has been whipped by me so many times then she can count.

Her name has "Lord" in it and she thinks she's high and mighty then everyone else.

Well let me tell you she can go she can go eat fucking peanuts.

Not the best insult but if you think about it, it is, she's allergic to peanuts.

Her face swells up, she gets red blotches and she starts to suffocate, it's fucking hilarious.

I know I sound like a sadist but I mean she just really pisses me off.

I put peanuts in her diet shake and I just wanted to see what would happen.

I mean in her medical file it said she was allergic. Hey not my fault I'm inquisitive.

Now you ask why was I in her medical file well let me tell you that, that is none of your business.

'Your so violent '

Do you ever have an urge to hit your head against a brick wall because a voice annoys you.

This is that situation.

'Lets move on'

Shut. Up

Anyway, she's the schools slut and fucks everything that walks and breathes.

She is very desperate.

She knows I will beat her ass in two seconds if she looks at me the wrong way.

I will take her plastic ass and beat the shit out of her.

But she still tries anyway it's like trying to move a elephant that weighs a ton by yourself.

You can't do it.

Just like she can't win in trying to push me.

Do you know how many suspensions I've gotten. 178 to be exact.

I skip right over detenions and warnings because I've been to Marian's office how many times?

'178 stupid you just said it '

I hate the voice in my head shut the hell up I'm tryna talk here, anywho.

I'm on first name basis with my principle but who gives two fucks I don't and my guardians sure don't either.

But you know what makes me feel like I'm given suspensions only, because Marian is Marian Lordson.

I feel the only reason I'm not expelled is because my guardian is the mayor of the town.

But the bitch of a principle still finds a way to suspend me, one complaint from little old Aiyelle and I'm suspended.

But I rather school then home which makes me want to take the 99 cent ballon in Aiyelle's boob and pop it with a rusty needle.

Home brings pain, Home brings memory, Home brings dad.

I'm not going to talk about him.

Untouched subject, let it stay that way.

But home is anywhere I don't wanna be.

Most nights I sleep on the park bench or use a ladder to climb into my room, when my guardian's not there then I use the front door.

But just being inside there is just wrong you know the feeli ...


A stinging sensation went through my butt, lower back and spine.


I felt like I hit a fucking cement wall harder then a guy getting a boner off Meagan Fox.

I look up and came face to face with Shane Carter.

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