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Tracey's pov

Sometimes the nightmares come and sometimes they don't but I don't get that lucky.

Like when I'm really, really tired that's when they don't come.

But it's weird ever since that asscrack Shane woke me up from the last one I had, it hasn't happened anymore.

It's been two days since Shane has approach me and I've gone back to normality hoping it was all just a dream or a terrible nightmare whichever works.

Turns out Aiyelle's nose is broken, like completely broken and out of place so she has had a brace like thingy on it.

Everyone's been feeling sorry for her and all that shit when she really doesn't deserve it.

Nobody steps to Aiyelle because of her mom but I don't give a fuck.

So now I'm back to wallowing in my own personal hell and its where I'm used to being, haven't been shown any better.

' Well that's not true you had good memories as a kid remember'

Yeah I kind of do remember its all blurry though.


"Daddy toss the ball" 7 year old Tracey said.

" Alright sweetie I'm throwing it, here it goes"He said.

He threw it and she caught it.

"Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy daddy I caught you see the ball is right here in my hand you see it, you see it."

"Yeah I see it sweetheart" He said whiling kissing her forehead."I see it."


I slid down the locker just thinking about my dad and the person he was, how thoughtful, caring and smart he was, he was really smart.

But those memories are fading now and being replaced with nightmares and horror.

Feeling the hot tears stream down my face as I think about it. Just feeling helpless.

I feel more tears stream down my face and its annoying. Crying is showing weakness but I can't help it.

I pulled up my sleeve to show the scars on my wrists all 23.

I just sat there staring at them see each memory play in my head and the more they replay the more tears come.

"Trayle what's that?"

I shove my sleeve down to see who it is. I look up and see Shane.

"I don't know what your talking about and who is Trayle?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, what's on your arms?"

"Nothing is on my arm your seeing stuff, now if you don't mind I'm going to class." I started to move pass him when he grabbed my arm and shove my sleeve up.

" Now I know I'm not delusional. Whats this?"

"None of your business, now let me go."

"No, not until you tell me what thi-."

"I said let me go."

"Tell me an-."

"LET ME GOOO" I said crying now. I ripped my arm away and just ran.

Shane's pov

I was walking around the building since I had a free period and didn't know what to do with my time.

I was walking down the science wing by the lockers.

I saw a body slumped by the lockers. I walked up closer and saw tears on their face then I saw they were looking at something.

I walked up a little more and saw them looking at scars on their wrists. I also saw it was Trayle.

"Trayle what's that?"

" I don't know what your talking about and who is Trayle?"

I never took her for a cutter.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about what is on your arms?"

"Nothing is on my arms, now if you don't mind I'm going to class."

She started to walk pass me so I grabbed her arms and shoved up her sleeve.

"Now I know I'm not delusional whats this?"

"None of your business now let me go."

"No not until you tell me what th-."

"Let. Me. Go. "

"Tell me an-."


She was crying now, I loosened my grip on her arm and she ripped her arm away and ran out the building.

What just happen.

She never looked like a person to cut herself she doesn't seem like an emo she seemed........ normal.

But what just happened made her all the more interesting.

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