The Awakening

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Shane's pov

A white light, unimaginable pain in my chest.

Those two things are in my current situation.

My eyes were closed but I could see a white light.

It's really annoying, wait am I dying this can't be happening. I had so much to do like try eating a waffle burrito or tell Tracey I love her.

The pain in my chest started to fade.

Them I saw my mom's face.


"Yes Shane I'm here."

"Why did you leave me it wasn't fair ma I miss you."

"The pain in my heart was to much to bare and that was the only way to cease the pain. But that will be nothing compared to the pain Tracey will feel if you let go."

Then her face started to disappear.

"Ma, don't leave yet."

"Sorry baby I got to go I love you, tell Tracey I said hi, I know you can hang on baby." Then she was gone.

I felt life leaving my body, so I grabbed on to what it.

" I love you. I love you. Shane I do need you you can't leave me I love you. be exceptional to the 10% please don't please don't leave me. Your like my air, my water, my food your my everything you sacrificed life for me and I'm sorry that I took so long to realize it that I didn't even get to tell you but Shane I love you come back to me please."

That voice. I'd know that voice anywhere.


What she said made me grip onto life, dragging it by the collar.

I felt the pain in my chest come back and this light coming over my eyelids.

I felt feeling in my eyes so I opened them.

I saw Tracey on her knees praying.

"Went to church without me Trayle."

Her eyes popped open and she slowly turned her head to me.


"Yes." I said imitating her.

"What did I say about imitating me."

Like that every thing was in balance, again.

"Shane you dumbfuck, why did you have to get shot."

"Because I had to protect my girlfriend and I promised you I would and I told you I thought about me getting killed, I decided I would die a thousand deaths then have without you."

"That is so sweet and corny I have the corniest boyfriend ever what did you steal that from Shakespeare."

"Does my theft and cornyness get me a kiss." She got up out of her seat and straddled me. "I'm not hurting you am I?"

"Just the opposite actually."


She leaned down and connected our lips and told me everything through one kiss, the hurt, sorrow, physical and mental pain, the flood of joy she felt, everything except one thing. She then pulled away.

" I love you."

"I heard."

"You ass where's my happy ever after I love you, you ruined my moment."

"I've loved you for a while now and I was waiting to tell you."

She gave me a peck and rested her forehead against mine.

Then I heard a knock.

I looked around Tracey and saw the doctor.

"Hey doc." I said. I wanted to mess with Tracey so I said.

"Doc who let this woman in my room she was strangling me." I proceeded to fake cough.

"She said she was your fiancé."

"Did she now."

"Yes honey." She said, pleading me with her eyes. I wanted to milk this.

"Where's your ring."

"I rushed here I left it at home."

"Oh Kay 'honey'."

"So doc what is wrong with me."

"Well to figure that out we have to run some test. Tracey we're going to need you to head into the waiting room we're going to start testing now."

"Oh no I'm not going back into that waiting room I'm going to go home and bring something back for Shane just in case he gets out I'll be back first thing tomorrow, bye Shane."

"Bye fiancé." I winked at her.


Tracey's pov

I heard someone yelling but it wasn't in English.

I was walking down the hall to Shane's room when I heard loud yelling.

I walked a little more and realized it was coming from Shane's room.

"¿qué clase de mierda es esta esto es un asco ¿dónde está la comida de verdad ¿dónde coño está la buena comida comida de verdad comida de verdad comida de verdad comida de verdad comida de verdad."( what kind I shit is this where is the real food where the fuck is the real food, real food real food real food real food.)

"Shane what are you yelling about."

I saw a lady with a tray of good and her scared expression.

"Tracey, hi babe this mean lady is trying to feed me horrible food it taste like dirt."

"Shane are you okay." Then the nurse spoke up.

"They had to give him happy gas due to one of the test and now he won't eat the food he started yelling at me in I guess is spanish I thought that's all he knew."

"Shane you can't do that to the poor lady that's not nice and you have to eat."

"Fine, but for you only."

He took the food out of the lady's hand and glared at her.

She scurried away.

"Shane you can't do that."

"Ugh." That was his reaction when he put a piece of 'chicken' in his mouth.

"I'm not eating this."

He put the tray aside and motioned for me to come toward him.

"I missed you trail mix."

"Me too, Mario cart."

We laid there all day not speaking just comfortable silence. Until the doctor came.

"Shane I guess the gas wore off."

"Yeah it did."

"Well results came back, the reason for your awakening is because your body was able to fight against the submission meaning your a tough cookie to break because most who have sustain such attacks don't make it, as I told your fiancé 90% don't make it."

"Is that why you said be exceptional to the 10%." He asked

"Ohh you heard my little speech."

"Every word. Doc, when can I go home."

"Umm now I just need to go get the discharge papers and Shane take it easy your chest needs to fully recover."

"Thanks doc."

"Shane thank you for everything."

"No problem babe."

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