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Tracey's pov


A precious thing we all should cherish.

My life went from desolate, pain, fear to love, fun and happiness.

The person who brought love to me happiness to me was Shane.

I love Shane with all my heart, body and soul.

He is the light at the end of my tunnel.

After that night in Shane's room we continued to live our lives together.

We both graduated and went off to college.

We both went to San Francisco to go to college.

Of course me and Shane have different passions.

I went to SFMS which is San Francisco Mechanics School.

Shane went to culinary college.

We bought a apartment together and lived there. 4 years me and Shane have been together and I'm over the moon in love with him.

Shane actually bought a place for a restaurant. He wants it to be diverse where anyone from anywhere can come and get good food.

Shane's dad and him went to counseling and they have gotten better.

Shane had relived stress he had built up and resolved issues with his dad. So they're in a good place.

Mark and Jay still come see us once in a little while and we keep in touch with Thia.

One day Shane started talking about getting a bigger place and I asked him why and he said just think about it.

He took me out, we spent all day together then he took me to a festival where they're was food, fun and dance.

We enjoyed the festival until I lost Shane then this light started to shine on me.

Then this crowd started doing a salsa dance.

Shane came out but here's the thing Shane can't dance.

He started doing all types of crazy shit but very smoothly slide in front of me and got into a one knee position.

Then I finally realized what he was doing.

"You know Tracey I've known you for a long time and you know all the long drones about how much I love you but I'm not giving you that all I will say is that I don't love you. I'm in love with you soooooooooo........... marry me trail mix."

I started to cry.

"Shane I never knew you couldn't dance."

"I'll take that as my yes. SHE SAID YES EVERYBODY."

We got into a long and passionate kiss and celebrated until Shane passed out and I had to drag him home.

Mind you there are hills in San Francisco.

He woke up and didn't remember anything after the proposal.

Good because he did more dancing.

He doesn't need to suffer with the rest of us.

So after about a year we had a wedding with a lot of Spanish customs.

Like the priest had to bless the thirteen coins and the ring bearer and flower girl look exactly like me and Shane.

Shane's dad walked me down the aisle which he was proud to do.

Of course the food was good and Shane's aunts came up from Brazil.

Very nice women they were.

Shane's restaurant had really taken off and is very well known in Cali.

I decided to open up my mechanics shop and that is doing well also, so me and Shane are successful entrepreneurs.

8 months after the wedding me and Shane fell pregnant.

Shane was so happy he started throwing kitchen utensils and ingredients when he found out.

Me and Shane had a full out flour war which I had him cleaning up.

Problem with the pregnancy is Shane wouldn't let me work he would tell me stay home and don't go to work if I see you there I'll bring you home and all types of crap like that.

I would sneak out to work for 4 months until one day I was sneaking and when I opened the door Shane was standing there.

"So you don't like to listen huh."

"I was going for milk Mr. jump to conclusions."

"Milk my ass trail mix."

"But you don't have utters."

"Who gets milk in a dark blue jumpsuit."

"I'm Tracey I do what I want."

"No you don't and that's why I pulled out the big guns."

He backed away from the door and there stood Thia.


"TRACEY! Wait I don't have a metro card."

"What do you mean?"

"You look like a bus."

"That's not funny."

"It kind of is." Shane butted in.

"Who do you live with?"


"Who can show her your dancing?"

"Aye to far don't don't do that."

"Fine, but you have to go."

I pecked his lips and he left.

Shane got Thia to babysit me.

She was there through my whole pregnancy.

I found out that I was having twins and Shane was even more excited them the first time he found out.

He kept shaking every persons hand even strangers.

Thia still stuck through and the rest of the pregnancy and I had a boy and a girl.

Trayle Myha Carter- March 8 2013, girl, 7,8 ounces.

Mario Keith Carter- March 8 2013, boy,

8 ounces.

So that's how our lives went after that night in Shane's room.

I was thinking about how Shane said I'm in love with you.

I was wrong from the beginning.

You can love what's damaged.

Who knew.

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