Happiness and cooking

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Shane's pov

I woke up with cotton candy up my nose and saw Trayle below me. She looked cute when she slept but she didn't look at all happy.

I looked over at the clock on the wall and saw it was 1 in the afternoon.

Guess were not going to school.

I got up and sat down on the floor, just thinking about Tracey.

Why did she think it was her fault, why did she deserve all of that, what the fuck happened to her.

'You'll never know until you ask her again.'

I can't pry.

'This time it's not prying if she calls you at two in the morning screaming'

Shut up.

Watching her cry made that clenching in my chest ten times worst then when it first happened.

Its like my chest is being sat on, thinking all these thoughts I came to one conclusion, with all the evidence I've been having.

I. like. Tracey.

'Who called it, I did, who called it, I did.'

Alright you did call it, chill out.

But she is the most awesomest, and I know it's not a word, person ever.

Why wouldn't I like her.

She is a strong person dealing with all she she's been dealing with but she's almost at her breaking point and I can see it.

But her bad girl attitude I feel is not real, but what is it for?

I felt the bed move. I looked up and saw Trayle was up.

"When did I get here?"

"You came here last night. You don't remember."

"No I remember a little bit like when you came and got me and everything else is a blur."

She didn't remember that's good she doesn't need to.

"Well no need to bring up old shit let's go downstairs."

I got up and head to the kitchen and pulled out some stuff to make waffles.

We have a waffle maker so I just need ingredients.

"What are we making?"

"I'm making waffles, you can find your own food."

"Well I thoughts friends would make each other breakfast."

"Now why would you think that?"

"Mario cart please make me breakfast."

"No, just for calling me Mario cart."

"Please, I'm sorry."

I started to ignore her.

"Shane will you please make me some breakfast."



I looked at her again and this time she was pouting.

"Alright put the lip away, I'll make you breakfast."

"Wait, why are we calling it breakfast if its one in the afternoon."

"I just woke up this is breakfast don't question it. Now get the ingredients, I make killer waffles."

"Who new the badass knew how to cook."

"My mother force me to do a lot of things. Badass at school, but momma will curse me out in spanish, if I don't do what she wants."

Mom. Where is she. I hope she's okay. I'm gonna call her.

"I'm gonna call my mom."

"That's a good idea she had her alone time to think. Call her."

I pulled my phone out and called my phone and dialed her number.

"Please leave a message after the beep."

Beep : "Mom I love you um I think you should come home now because I miss you so um bye."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was so cute."

" I am not cute, I am hot there's a difference and don't forget it."

"Don't worry she'll come home."

"I hope so. But enough with the depressing, lets make some waffles start setting up the waffle maker and I'll mix the batter."

"Why can't I mix it."

"Because I can do it and make the perfect consistency, now get to it Trayle ."

"Stop it, Mario cart."


She was standing there with her ass on display and I couldn't help what I did next.

I slapped her ass.

I ran around the island while she stood in shock. Then she started to chase me.

I ran all over the house then all of a sudden a force knocked me too the floor. Then I realized Tracey just tackled me.

"Say your sorry."

"But I'm not."

She then started poking my sides I started to laugh and squirm till I breathed "I'm sorry, please just stop."

"Sorry for what."

"For slapping your ass."

She got up and I got up then I threw her over my shoulder and head back to the kitchen.

"Back to the waffle maker."

"Yes, Mario cart."

"Listen trail mix stop calling me Mario cart."

"Where the hell does trail mix come from."

"It came from Trayle."


I started mixing the batter when I decided to flick Trayle for poking me.

I take the spoon and flop it on her head. She slowly turns around with her eyes narrowed if looks kill I'd be in a casket, six feet deep.

She ran towards the sink and got the hose and sprayed me in the face.

She had a face of pure amusement. I looked at the sink full of soapy water and conjured up a plan.

I walked towards her and lean down and started to kiss her.

She started getting into to it so I licked her bottom lip and she opened up I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me and I started to walk towards the sink and then when we reach the sinks edge I pushed her in.

When I say her mouth was wide, her mouth was open wide.

"I can't breath, I can't I can't breath." I couldn't breath I was laughing so hard.


This made me laugh even harder.


Before I could see it is as sprayed again with hose again. This time I was drenched.

Now it's her turn to laugh.

"Hows it feel?"

" It feels...............I don't know wet.Wanna hug?"

"No. You idiot now I'm all wet and I have no clothes."

"Don't worry you can wear mine. Now go take a shower."

"Fine Mario cart."

"Go ahead trail mix."

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