A Serious Ass Whoopin

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Shane's pov

I was beyond pissed. Aiyelle has no right to mess with the girl I am in love with.

'Love huh. Where did that one come from'

Love. I do love Tracey. When she cut off the conversation on the phone, I felt the wind was knocked right out of my chest.

My chest started to hurt bad. The fire was working its way up my back and not in a good way.

I left the party but while I was leaving I accidentally push some dude, but I didn't care.

He pushed me back and looked like he wanted to start something to impress his girl who was currently drunk but not shitfaced so she'll remember this ass whooping I'm about to give her date.

I took his arm held it and kicked him to the stomach multiple times then pushed him to the floor where I started kicking his face.

Everyone was in shock. They were all looking at me.


I took it too far but I was angry and hurt so I kinda just lashed out at a stranger but in my defense he did push me.

I left the party and may have punched a car window. .

My hand was bleeding but once again, I didn't care. I got on my bike and went home sperm donor was there and tried to talk to me, I was unresponsive and just went to my room.

I cleaned up my hand and just laid on my bed. I still couldn't get the way we danced out my head and now she wants to just break off what we have, I liked what we had.

She left me without an explanation and it is just so..... I don't even have a word for it. Hurt doesn't explain what I felt at that point.

I continued going to school and Aiyelle popped up everywhere. My locker, my personal table in the cafeteria and the bathroom.

She kept touching me, kissing me, well trying to kiss me, and tried to touch Rico. Rico is the friend I have below my belt. If you know what I mean.

I would just end up running away from her. I believe I had run more than an Olympian training for track.

I hadn't seen Tracey all that week of school I think she would avoid me. It hurt and I showed it.

Everyone was scared of me more than usual especially if i kicked a guys face in, if I got close, they would back away saying 'please don't hurt me' but I wouldn't hurt anybody if they came close to me.

This is why I was drawn to Tracey she wouldn't run away from me, she would tell me off and just be her.

I caught myself feeling sad just thinking about her. She left a mark on me and it was beginning to turn into a wound.

A open wound that you pour a whole bucket of alcohol mixed with bleach on and it hurts like a bitch.

That all was the past now because I had my explanation and Tracey back. It's a win win, but the heat was coursing up my back and once again not in a good way.

I had to find this Damon dude and in order to do that I have to find Ayielle, the bitch who started this.

I got on the bike and headed to Ayielle's house remembering how to get there from the last time I was there. I shuddered at the thought.

I finally reached her house and pounded on the door not caring if her parents were home.

After a few minutes of hitting the door, the devil herself answered the door.

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