Well well well

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Tracy's pov

Shane Carter. Two words for this dude. BAD. ASS. He's idolized and envied by guys and lusted after and wanted by all girls .

All girls, except for me, I'm the only girl who is disgusted by him.

His head is so big I doubt it would fit through a normal door way.

He's arrogant, stupid, cocky, selfish, scary and the list goes on.

But I'm not gonna lie, he is kind of cute. Who am I kidding this dude is magazine worthy, he has the body of a God but would I ever admit that to anyone. No.

A personality matters a whole lot.

At least I get to think about his Godly looks.

But anyway yes back to my ass hurting the hell out of me.

"Watch where your going asscrack!!!"

"I've been called many things asshole, bastard, dickhead and hot obviously, but never in my life have I been called an asscrack." He said, amused.

I got and leaned into his ear real close my lips touching his ear feeling heat course through my lips and said, no yelled,

"WELL YOU JUST DID." He jumped back,

"What the fuck is wrong with you!!?" He said trying to pop his ear.

"Like I said before ASSCRACK watch where your going."

So fast I couldn't see it coming I was pressed up toward the locker with my hands held in a vice like grip with Shane leaning forward whispering in my ear now,

"Listen you walked into me and I know you know who I am. I don't hit girls but I will make your life a living hell and I will be your devil if you pull some shit like that again, understand."

I didn't answer.

"Do. You understand." He said tightening his grip on my hands.

"Y-yes" I stuttered scared as shit.

"Good." He smiled at me, dropped my hands and walked away .

See what I mean by scary.

I'm not stupid, I know I can' fight a guy but I never expected a reaction like that.

Once he was out of sight I slide down the lockers onto the floor and let the tears come.

I wasn't crying entirely because I was  scared of him. It's just he brought unwanted memories from home.

Another place that was my own personal hell created by my guardians.

I was still a little shaken up so I skipped seventh and eighth period.

Nobody noticed I was on the floor with tear streaks on my face.

I didn't want them to anyway. I pulled up my sleves to show my wrists. Past scars.

I just sat there staring at them until I was disturbed by the voice that made nails on chalkboard sound like beautiful classical music.

Aiyelle's voice was so nasally cause of all the nose jobs she had, her voice sound like a cat giving birth in heat.

"Well, well, well if it isn't little miss homeless lonely in the hallway. What couldn't find a better place to sleep tonight?" Her annoying voice sneered.

I got to my feet ready to put the bitch in her place when I was cut off by none other then Shane Carter.

"Well,well ,well isn't it miss slut did you find someone to screw tonight?"He said.

Her mouth literally was on the floor not like she's not used to it but still.

Her desperate ass had the audacity to walk over to the guy who just insulted her and say, "Maybe it could be you."

"No, no I'm not a fan of STDS and I don't want to share in your collection."

Her mouth literally looked like she dislocated her jaw.

She huffed and walked away with the clacking of her heels echoing through the hall.

I turned to him and glared.

"I can defend myself I don't like, know or need you so stay out of my business and away from me." I turned around and just as I was about to walk out of the building I heard "Nah I don't think so babe. "

I groaned in frustration and you know what he did.

He laughed.

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