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Tracey's pov

I was standing by his CBR and it was the sexiest thing I've ever seen, excluding its owner.

I mean its black and red, glossy and just pure beauty.

Since I have to get on this project with him I might as well see where he lives.

I mean common seeing the Shane Carter in his natural habitat why pass that up.

Plus I get to ride on this beauty and get to be pressed up against Shane's body all squished together, me feeling his 8 pack.

Wait woah where did those thoughts come from.

He's an annoying ass remember!

'Yeah right.'

"Thinking about me."



"Well anyway no more needing to dream I'm right here and let's hop to it. Open up the compartment and get a helmet."

I opened up the compartment and took out the red helmet but as I was about to put it on he snatched it out of my hands. Like literally snatched it.

"This is my helmet and don't forget it.''

"Kay chill you big baby, damn."

He hopped on the bike and I got on behind him with my hands in his shoulders.

"Trayle unless you wanna fall to your death, put your hands around my waist."

"Ugh, am I really gonna fall."

"Wanna take a chance?"


"Just put your arms around my waist and let's go."


I put my hands around his waist and felt his abs. What cause me to do this I don't know but I started poking his stomach. He started to laugh.

"Stop doing that, it makes me laugh."

I stopped and then he started the bike we rode real fast and I felt the wind rush pass us as we made our way to his house.

We finally pulled up into the driveway.

I got off the bike and took the helmet off.

I shook out my hair and threw him the helmet.

"Don't think u didn't see you skip a few red lights."

"Yeah, so."

"That's illegal, you ass."

"I believe it's not a crime if you don't get caught."

"Has that always worked for you."

"90% of the time yes."


I observed his house and it was gray with a red door.

He put the bike into the garage and he said go through the door into the kitchen.

So I went in there and saw a lady who looked a lot like Shane. This must be his mother.

"Hello Mrs. Carter."

"Hi sweetie, who are you?"

" ella es mi compañera Inglés." Shane said. ( she is my English partner)

"oh bien."(oh okay)

" wheres donante de esperma."(where's sperm donor)

"dejar de decir eso "(stop saying that)

"No. Okay so Trayle this is my mother Alyssa and ma this is my English partner and partial friend Trayle."

"Trayle, interesting name."

"No Mrs. Carter-."


"Alyssa, my name is Tracey he keeps calling me Trayle and I don't particularly know why."

"I like Trayle." He said

" He's not gonna change his decision sweetheart, but let's just hope."

I sighed.

" iban a mi habitación "( we're going up to my room)


He turned around and started walking out of the kitchen and I just followed him.

He went up a staircase, we turned a few corners and came towards a black door.

He opened the door and black and red as far as the eye could see.

"You weren't kidding when you said you loved red."

"Yep, it portrays me."

"How so?"

"Red is a sign, it's a way to alert danger and it just has this thing where it's just superior to all the other colors. I mean what's the color of out blood, red."

"I was taught when I was little that purple is a sign of royalty and I wanted to be a princess when I was younger so It kind of stuck as being my favorite color."

He nodded and jumped on his bed and threw his army jacket on the floor.

He patted the bed next to him, motioning for me to come sit.

I put my bag on the floor and sat on the chair at the desk.

"Or you could sit there." He said.

"Shane you have got to teach me how to speak Spanish."

"What words do you know."

"Lola, si, aqua, and oh bolas,"

"It's hola not Lola."

"Oh that made much more sense ."

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked.

"Let's get some personal questions.Why are you so tone?"

"I box sometime and I used to do street fighting."

"What do your parents do."

Shane's pov

"I don't have parents I have guardians and one of them are mayor and the other is a secretary." She said as she was looking down and while she was looking down I saw a huge bump on her head.

"Where did you get that bump from?"

Her eyes shot up and once again I saw panic in her eyes.

"Um, I fell down the stairs

my, battle scars remember."

"Your lying to me." I said coming closer.

"I thought we we're partial friends Tracey."

She started backing up" Why would I lie, Shane."

I grabbed her arm and shoved up her sleeve and saw her arms covered in black and blue bruises she flinched as I touched them.

Something in my stomach stirred. What the hell I ate lunch.

"What's this, how many times did you fall down the stairs, Tracey?"

" A few."

" Who does this to you?"

"No one I fall down the stairs a lot."

"Tracey who does this to you."


"No not until you tell me what happen to you."

"Why do you care, your Shane carter you don't care about anyone why do you need to know?"

"Porque me importa."( because I do care)


"Nothing, just tell me."

She started to cry, "I can't."

She snatched her arm away and ran downstairs out of my house.

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