Can I have your number

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Tracey's pov

'You have me on the edge of my seat I bite my tongue so you don't hear me I wanna hate every part of you with me I can't hate the ones who made me'

Bite My Tongue by You and Me at Six. That song is awesome and I'm not really a rock person but that shit is good.

I got up and head straight for the ensuite and took a shower and did the morning basics.

I got out a brown and purple cardigan with a white wifebeater, blue jeans and brown combat boots.

This morning I had to take extra time to put make up on since I can't just walk out with black and blue bruises.

I head downstairs and get an apple from the basket and head out the house with my book bag, I put the code for the front door and left.

I was walking down the road towards school with my head phones in my ears listening to The Weeknd.

Then a red motorcycle pulls up next to me. I can't help it but my geeky side comes out and I say " Oh my god is that a Honda CBR 1000RR 2009"

Then the person pulls off the helmet and then I'm not so excited anymore.

"Yes it is, wanna ride?Shane said.

"How about you get off the motorcycle, I get on and you walk to school."

"Nah I don't think so babe. But we can ride together." He said like I'm stupid.

"I'd rather dig my eyeballs out with an ice cream scooper." With that I started walking again.

"How did you know what my motorcycle was?" He said as he was following me.

"Don't wanna talk about it and I don't wanna talk to you."

"Trayle just get on the bike, you can get to school faster."

"One, I'd rather peel the skin off my arms like a banana and then get on that motorcycle with you, two who is this Trayle you keep talking about."

"Your name is Trayle duh are you that slow you don't even know your own name?"

This made me stop in my tracks.

"My name is Tracey, you ducking idiot now do me a favor and leave me alone.''

"Tracey huh, that made much more sense but anyway how bout you do me a favor and give me your number."

"Why do you want my number ,why do you keep asking all these questions, what do you want from me?"

Shane's pov

Those questions made me go on mute. What did I want from her.

She's just the girl that bumped into me and made my eardrums pop, but what was the real reason behind always talking to her.

Answer is I really don't know something about her just makes me want to annoy her.

"Get on the bike." I said purposely avoiding her questions.


"Get on the bike."

"No" she said as she starts walking away.

So I follow her with the bike.

" What do I have to do for you to get on this bike?"

"Leaves me alone that's what you can do."

"Other then that."

"No, that's all I want."

"Alright I have a proposition. Don't get on the bike and all you have to do is give me your number."

She stops walking turns to me and states at me.

"Alright 347-874-333

"That's only 9 numbers, gotta have 10."

"Figure out the last one and that's my number."

With that she turns and walks away from me.

That was one of the hardest moments of me trying to get a girls number.

'What are you talking about that was the hardest moment.'

Yeah your right it was.

I took off riding to school passing Trayle on my way.

I'm gonna keep calling her Trayle since it annoys her so much.

I park in my usual parking space and hop off my bike.

I have on dark jeans, a t-shirt, my army jacket and my black timberlands.

I walk into school think about the number that would make Trayle's number.

I guess I gotta try all of them so I pull out my phone and call 3334, then 3335 then 3337 and finally I try 3338 and I hear her say hello I cut it off.

I don't want her to find out I know yet, so I save the number and head into the history wing for Ap history.

I know Shane Carter in Ap history. But what you don't know is I have a photographic memory.

I can memorize all the words in the dictionary if I wanted to. But why would I do that.

That is also the explanation as to why when Trayle gave me her number I didn't have a pen and paper.

No one knows I have a photographic memory and I want to keep it that way. I walk in and everyone goes silent.

I pinpoint Trayle and see Andrew Thomas trying to talk to her, she looks really uncomfortable.

He touches her arm and she flinches away. Something in my stomach stirs, I'm probably hungry.

I skipped breakfast because I didn't want to see my sperm donor's face.

Andrew Thomas is the number one jock of the school and likes to get on my nerves, personally I think him and Aiyelle should be together, their personalties match.

But anyway I walk up to him and he see's me. Him and me had a fight because he'a the one who keyed Elaine, I went to go see him and I said something to him and then he had the nerve to swing at me.

I tell you the dude has courage.

Because I used to be a street fighter and fought guys 2 times his size and won so he got beat pretty bad and now him and everyone else is a little scared of me.

I mean I walk down the hall and they part like the Red Sea.

"Up and out."

He gets his things and scrambles out of the seat and I sit down.

"Thank you" She said. Let's just say I'm very shocked.

"Come again, what was that?"

"Please don't make me say it again."

"What I didn't hear you?"

"Thank you, happy now?"


Class started and she was sitting there staring at Mr.Cockrine.

So I pull out my phone and text her

'I found you'

'I'm changing my number' and with that I doubled over laughing while she had a huge smile on her face.

I don't know why but I wanna see that smile more often.

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