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Tracey's pov

I woke up to an empty bed. I look down on the floor and see Shane's not there.

I look at the clock and its 6:30. I get up and got searching for Shane, I check a few doors till I hear a loud crash.

I follow where the sound came from and I open the door and see Shane sitting on the bed his head down and he looked like he was shaking.

I saw glass on the floor with pictures of his mother and father crumpled. I'm guessing this is his parents bedroom.


"Tracey, go away."

"Shane, what's wrong?"

"Tracey go away."

"What happ-."


I'm not gonna lie, I was a little scared. but then I realized Shane won't hurt me.


Then I looked at him closely and saw he was trying to hold back tears.

"Shane you don't have to hide your tears from me I know your hurting and it's okay to cry."

The tears started to come as he cried. I went towards him and hugged him.

"Tracey sperm donor called me and said that she drove her car off a cliff and it blew up with her in it, Tracey. Her body was burned so bad she was almost unrecognizable. She sent everyone on her contact list, except me a mass text before she did it. Tracey she can't even have a funereal her body was burned so bad." By time he was done I was full out crying still hugging him.

"Shane it's gonna be okay you know that it will get easier with time and I will be here for you through it all. But there is something I need to talk to you about. You said yesterday that it was your dads fault, Shane it wasn't."

"Tracey it was was his fault he did this to her. She loved him so much that she did that."

"But Shane she could have handled it better she could have asked for help, she could have confided in you but she chose to do that, Shane she took the easy way out."

He didn't say anything, taking in what I said.

"I guess I see what your point is, oh and sorry I yelled at you."

"It's alright."

"No it isn't, I know you have prior issues and I shouldn't yelled at you."

"Shane, it's okay. I understand that your grieving and I can deal with all that even though your gonna act like a girl on her period with cramps that hurt like a bitch."

That statement made him smile. That smile made my day.

"To break up this session we have school. So I'm gonna get ready and so you should do the same."

I went back to Shane's room and got out a black t-shirt, skinny jean with black boots.

I went into the shower and washed up and came back out and put my clothes on. Shane came in, ready to go so, we left.

We pulled into the parking lot and got off his bike.

Our dating status,

'Dating status?'

Wait dating status, me and Shane aren't together officially.

I know he likes me and I like him but he never really asked me.

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