Chapter Three

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"I had a dream last night." I told Jake as we pulled out of the garage.

"Do tell."

"It was about a guy I met." Jake slammed on the breaks just before we got out of the driveway. "Jesus, calm down. Are you trying to behead me with this freaking seatbelt?"

"What guy?"

"His name is Mason Hollis." Jake's face went stone cold. "Jake?"

"I'm listening."

"Okay, it was a really bizarre dream, like crazy." His eyes urged me on. "So I was in the clearing in the back. You know the one I go to to read and stuff?" Jake nodded. "That one, so I was reading and a huge ass black wolf comes and starts like stalking towards me and right as I'm about to scream, it lays down on its stomach and starts like crawling towards me. He let me pet him, I was petting a wolf. And then it looked at me and we made eye contact and it had his eyes Jake. It had Mason's eyes."

"Wow, that is weird," Jake laughed nervously.


"Last day!" Andy exclaimed as I walked into the building. I smiled politely at him and set my things down before washing my hands.

"Where's Mason?" I asked looking around for a sign of him.

"I guess he wasn't cut out for the job." Andy joked and then left the building.


Throughout the day, something in me was upset. I think I was disappointed that I wouldn't see Mason probably ever again. What can I say? The kid was starting to grow on me.

During the middle of the day, someone dinged the bell, getting my attention. I smiled as I saw that it was Mason. "Well look who it is." I smiled leaning over the counter.

He stepped closer and I could smell his mint gum and his Abercrombie cologne. He smiled at me and quietly said, "Hey."

"I didn't see you as the quitting type."

"I don't look at it as quitting, I see it as saving someone's life."

"You do have quite the temper." I whispered and saw him look down and laugh. When he looked up, he stepped closer to me and we were an inch apart.

I glanced down at his lips and a million thoughts whizzed in my head.

What can I say? I'm a hormonal teenage girl.

When I looked back up at his eyes, he was staring at my lips.

Kiss me, I thought. Do it.

He looked back up at my eyes and his were darker than his normal cappuccino color. "Um excuse me." An awkward voice said. Mason made that growling sound again and glared at the couple behind him. I could see him glance down at their entwined hands and glare even more. The couple bowed their heads to him and he walked away, I watched as he kicked a garbage can over and the muscles in his back became stressed and tense.

I smiled at the couple in front of me and took their order.


After the last couple, I only had one or two more groups come over, but other than that the night was pretty boring. Looking at my phone, I realized that it was time to close up and head home. Then I heard the bell ring again.

It was Mason.

"H-hey." I stuttered and walked closer to him.

"Hey." He breathed out.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Come out with me tonight."


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