Chapter Seven

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Going back home after a game is always so relaxing, so comforting. But going home and having to get ready to go out somewhere else is usually suckish, but this time is somehow different. I found myself rushing to get inside and get ready.

I hop into the shower and do all my business there, including shaving every inch of my legs carefully, making sure not to miss a spot. Getting out of the shower, I put on my spandex Nike pros and purple athletic tank top. I put on my deodorant, also careful not to miss a spot, and I quickly blow dried my hair and curled some of it. Sometime throughout the day, the curls would fall out and I would be left with these really pretty waves.

I didn't put on makeup, but I did put on my anti-face shine mask for twenty minutes before peeling it off.

By the time the mask was completely off, Mason had texted me saying that he was on his way. I sprayed on my perfume and stared at my reflection in the mirror and gave myself a nod. I grabbed my Nike drawstring bag and put my portable charger in it before heading downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed two water bottles and filled them with ice and water and put them in the bag.

Gotta stay hydrated.

Hearing a knock on the door, I walked over to the front door and opening it. Seeing that it was Mason, I smiled and said, "Hey."

He smiled back and said, "Hey."

"One sec, I left my bag in the kitchen." He nodded and closed the door behind him as I walked into the kitchen, grabbing my phone and bag I walked back out to see him staring at a couple baby pictures of me. He chuckled at the one taken on Ryland's eighth birthday as my five year old self smashed cake in his face. I smiled sheepishly and Mason asked if I was ready and I said yeah.

Walking back to the front door, Mason opened it and bowed down, gesturing with his hand for me to walk through. I laughed as Mason picked his head up and I said, "Chivalrous. I like it." His eyes seemed to have flashed from brown to gold, but I pushed it aside as a trick of the light.


Arriving at the hiking trail, I pulled out Mason's water bottle and he raised an eyebrow and I said, "Hey, can't have you dying of dehydration on me." He smiled and shook his head.

As I was unbuckling, Mason hopped out of the car and opened my door for me and said, "M'lady." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his outstretched hand and hopped out of the car.

"Why thank you kind sir." I went to pull my hand away, but Mason wouldn't let go. I tried to cover my smile. "You can let go now."

"I could." He said and smirked at me, holding my hand tighter.

"You know, " I began turning to face him, "Once in awhile, you're really sweet, but other times, you're just an asshole."

I smiled sweetly as his lips formed a sarcastic smile, "Shall I start listing your personality traits?"

"Bite me."

"Maybe someday."


Hiking up the mountain, Mason and I were bickering the whole time over the stupidest things, like he thinks that my shorts are too tight to be worn in public. And he threw a tantrum when I told him that I wear these to the gym all the time.

"Well, what do you want me to do, take my pants off?" I yelled, getting annoyed with his prostitute jokes.

"Well, yes, but not here. I'd rather to just wore my sweatshirt around your waist or you could've just worn longer, looser shorts in the first place, or not even shorts at all."

I stopped and said, "What is up with you? You act like you're my boyfriend and you're so possessive over me, which is normal for most guys, but you take it to a whole other level that seems humanly impossible." He kept walking until he was a few steps in front of me and he sighed, grabbing the bridge of his nose.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked stepping closer to me. I kept backing up and he kept coming towards me until I tripped over a stick and would've fallen to the ground if he hadn't swung his arm out to catch me. He slowly placed me on the ground and I kept crawling backwards as he stalked forward.

"All those nightmares and dreams you used to have as a kid, the ones about werewolves and vampires and witches and the night time creatures. Those are real. And I am one of them. I am the hairy, growling monster that supposedly lurks in the dark at night, searching for the next person to attack."

I rolled my eyes and got back up, his eyes watching me the whole time. "I am so tired of this joke. My parents, my brothers, and Miranda, and Kelsey. All of them tried to pull this joke on me, and now you too." Mason took something out of his back pocket and threw it behind the tree before continuing to glare at me, "And I'm so sick of people thinking I'm that gullible to actually think something like werewolves and vam-" All of a sudden, there was a big, black wolf standing in front of me, with his eyes narrowed and teeth bared. I screamed and he crouched down, like he was about to lunge at me, but all he did was lay there, staring at me through those glaring eyes.

"N-nice wolf. Good wolf. Don't kill me, wolf." The wolf pulled back its lips into an even meaner snarl and crawled towards me. I closed my eyes and faced my head towards the sky, ready for the animal to kill me or take my arm off or something. But nothing came, I opened my eyes and the wolf's head was down almost touching my sneakers and its eyes were closed.

Taking a nap before you kill someone, good idea, I thought to myself and slowly got up and bolted away, not looking back. As I ran, I heard four paws pounding on the ground, and I started crying. I don't want to die, I don't want to die.

The animal jumped on my back, knocking me to the ground and rolled me over so I was facing him. His lips were pulled back in a snarl and he was growling, but he soon stopped and wagged his tail, tongue lolling out of his mouth. I looked deep into his golden eyes and I swear I saw a human quality in there, like the wolf was actually a pers-

"Mason?" I whispered, and its tail wagged faster. "Is that you?" The wolf barked and nipped at my hand that was laying beside my head. "But how-" My eyes widened in realization. Mason looked at me with amused eyes and laid down on top of me. I groaned at the added weight and grumbled, "Get off you fatty." Mason started growling again, but laid on my legs instead of my chest.

I raised my shaky hand and I placed it on his head and started petting him.

A 5'4 girl petting a wolf that, when sitting, is still taller than her.

Imagine that.

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