Chapter Eight

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I open my eyes and I'm laying on my bed.

It was all a dream, I thought to myself, a bad dream.

I roll off my bed and am confused as to why the covers weren't on me, I always sleep with the covers on. Shaking my head, I go downstairs and see that it is dark out, but my mom is in the kitchen, making some sort of pie. "Hey mom." I greet.

"Hey sweetie, how was your nap?"

"I had this really weird dream," I start. She raises her eyebrows and says, "Mason took me to the hiking trail and he turned into this wolf." I laughed and looked for a similar response from her, but she just stared blankly at me.  I glanced down at my clothes and notice that I am in the same outfit as I was in my dream, and I have scrapes and cuts in all the places that got hurt when I fell in my dream. "Oh my god." I whispered. My mom looked up at me, and reached out, trying to grab my arm to comfort me. "No," I shook my head, "Don't touch me."

"Ashley, honey, I-"

"No, stop. Why didn't you tell me? I deserved to know."

"We didn't think-"

"Yeah, I know. You didn't think. You didn't think about my feelings or anything that had to do with me, you only cared about yourselves."

"No, we didn't want you to-"

"Didn't want me to what? Find out that I'm related to dogs? Do the guys change into them? Do they turn into animals?" I shake my head and back up, grabbing my arms.

"Calm down-"

"Calm down? Calm down? You of all people should know never to tell a girl to calm down, mother." I said harshly. Her face fell, showing that she was hurt by what I said, "Mom, I'm-" I began, but groan frustratedly and stomp back upstairs.

I slid my back down the door after I slammed it closed. I sighed and ran my hands down my face.

I don't even remember anything my parents told me when they tried to tell me the first time, I completely ignored them.

Getting up from my sitting position, I walk over to my desk and turn on my laptop, ready to spend the whole night researching things about werewolves. I never thought I wouldn't know anything about my own family.

As I read, the words seemed to jumble together. The only word that seems to stick out to me was mate. The first time I read it, I laughed thinking about Australian people. But mates were interesting to me because it seemed really sweet to have someone specifically made for you, it was just a matter of finding them.

When my brothers find their mates, I am going to make such a big fuss, as long as they're nice, but I mean, if the person was made for one of my brothers, they have to be a good person, right? Unless my brothers have a thing for bad people.

My mind soon trailed off and I thought about Mason finding his mate. I pictured a tall, blonde hair, blue eyed beauty who would go along with everything he said. She would never fight back and she'd be high ranked in her pack. I glared at just the thought of her.

A small piece of me wanted Mason to never find his mate, so that little old me could have more time with him.

And a smaller piece of me wanted him to find his mate, so that my feelings wouldn't get deeper.

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