Chapter Sixteen

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Christmas Eve is one of my favorite holidays because we always have a family party. It's one of the only times where I get to see all of my family and it's so nice because we're a very close family. I'm really nervous this year though because Mason wanted to come over and meet the fam. He's never met anyone besides my direct family and I really hope they like him as much as I do.

Okay, probably not as much as I do, but I hope they like him.

I fidgeted with the string hanging off of my sweater as I waited for my mom to finish curling the last piece of my hair, I thanked her and began putting on my makeup.

After I finished getting ready, I headed downstairs and organized the presents under the tree and waited on the couch with my brothers until my family started arriving.

My grandparents were the first to arrive, and we all helped them bring some food that they brought and the presents for the cousins. My grandma walked over to me, with open arms and exclaimed, "Hello my dear Ashley, how are you?" She pulled me into a big hug and I told her I was fine.

"How are you Grandma?"

"I'm wonderful, thank you for asking. When is this boyfriend of yours going to show up?" She said wagging her eyebrows.

"He has to finish something at work, then he's coming here." I said, not knowing if my grandma knew about everything.

"Oh right, I forgot, Alpha to be." She winked at me and went over to hug my brothers and help my mom in the kitchen.

My grandpa walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek, and I wrapped my arms around him, sighing as I smelled his cologne that he has always worn since before I can remember. My grandpa was always there for me as a kid, he would be the one who would bring me to the movies and the zoo. You can say I was his favorite grandchild.

As more and more of the family showed up, I learned that all of the guys were werewolves, and some of the girls even could turn. Everybody on my dad's side was one though, which kind of sucked because it would've been so cool if I could be able to turn into a big animal.

I was in the middle of talking to my cousins when the doorbell rang, "Hang on, I'll be right back." I told them and I quickly walked to the door, opening it for Mason as he walked in. He glanced down at me, but didn't smile, but his eyes had excitement in them. "Go mingle." I said and pushed him away from me, walking back over to my cousins, who were staring at him. I had to hold back a sarcastic comment because they were family, I couldn't be rude. "So," I said to get their attention, "What were we talking about?"

They all blinked and looked at each other with wide eyes. "Never mind that, " my oldest cousin began, "Who the hell was that?"

"Who?" I tried to play it off.

"Him." She said and nodded her head towards Mason who was talking to my Aunt Allison. I smiled at his confident stance and he glanced up at me and smirked, winking.

"That's Mason." I said turning back to face them.

"That's Mason?" My other cousin, Chloe said incredulously. I nodded glanced around the room as she said, "He's sexy as fuck."

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