Chapter Fifteen

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It's been eight days since I have talked to Mason I tried to focus on school and soccer, but somehow he just always came back to my mind. All my friends left me except for Miranda, but that's because she knows about what happened at the beach house because she was there with us. I'm guessing Mason told them what happened and they believed him and didn't bother asking me about it.

And Rynn began tormenting me again, saying how her and Mason had been together the night he left my house. It doesn't even shock me, I had a feeling he would go there just to hurt me. I'm sure he was with her when I texted him a couple days ago saying, "It wasn't what you think, and I know how cheesy that is, but it's true. Please just talk to me." He left me on read.

I pulled on my shorts and tank top before texting Miranda saying I was ready to go to the mall, so I would be there to pick her up soon. As I left, I grabbed my sunglasses and purse and sighed, seeing how none of my family was home.


As we exited the food court in the mall, Miranda pulled her camera up on her phone and I asked her what she was doing and she answered, "Just trust me." As soon as she said that, Rynn came over to me and I noticed how all of my old friends were surrounding her.

"Wow, thanks traitors." I mumbled and they all glared at me.

Rynn scoffed and said, "Well maybe if you weren't such a whore, they'd still be stupid and be friends with you, but now that you've shown them your true side, they all know what a dumb bitch you are."

Miranda began to say something but I held out my hand, silencing her. "No, Rynn. Do you want to know who the dumb bitch is? It's you. All of you actually." I said pointing at my old friends. Some looked hurt, others just looked pissed off. "Have you ever thought that I didn't do anything wrong? None of you even cared enough to ask me about it, so why care enough to be assholes to me? There's honestly no fucking good reason to be so mean and heartless towards someone who just last week you told everything to." My old friends looked down and glanced around at each other. Tears sprung to my eyes as I looked at all of them, the girls who I confided in when I learned that my family was full of literal dogs. Then I looked at the victorious smirk on Rynn's face and more tears came to my eyes.

"Aw, look, the baby is crying."

I calmed myself down before wiping my tears and saying, "You know, you must be lower than I thought you were. You listen to and spread rumors about a girl who you know nothing about. You hate me because you think I'm better than you, and to make yourself feel better, you drag me down." I shook my head and let out a broken laugh, feeling defeated, "But you know what, Rynn?" I stepped closer to her and got in her face. "I'm so fucking done with you." I spat and walked past her, hearing Miranda's sandals clicking behind me.


Reading old treaties and laws reminded me of being back in school and reading different novels in english class. I groaned and ran my hands down my face, blue eyes popping into my head, making me open my eyes quickly.

It's not true, my wolf told me.

You don't know that, I replied.

Yes I do.


Because I know her, and her brothers told us what happened when she was fourteen, he growled recalling the story.

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