Chapter Twenty Eight

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I had four days left and with each passing day, Mason grew more and more irritated. He knew our time together was coming to an end and he didn't appreciate it. We fought about me leaving often, putting stress on both of us. As we currently sat on the couch, watching reruns of Friends, I could tell his mind was not focused on Ross and Rachel's current break. 

"I just don't get it," Mason said abruptly. 

"It's one of the most relatable parts of the series, how could you not-"

"Not the show," Mason grumbled. 

"Then what don't you get?" 

His hands wrapped around the remote and muted the TV, "We just solved a problem and you're causing a new one." I looked down at my lap, "It's like the drama never stops."

"And you're blaming me," I said softly.

"Not blaming," Mason said and looked over at me. "I don't want you leaving to cause any problems between us."

"There were going to be problems between us anyway." I replied, still keeping my voice low.

"I thought mates were supposed to be perfect for each other and not fight," confusion and defeat laced his words. 

"Do you regret it?"

"Regret what?"

"Me," I looked over at him and I could tell he was conflicted.

"I could never regret you," he slid his hand onto the side of my neck and rubbed his thumb gently on the mark he gave me. "Just because we have our troubles doesn't mean you weren't the best thing to ever happen to me."

 "Yeah," I responded quietly, "you, too."


"So did you guys break up? I don't think I've ever heard about something like that happening. An Alpha pair breaking up. Sure, I've heard of one of them dying, leaving the other alone, but I've never heard about them just breaking up." Miranda rambled. We were sat in front of the same window that we sit in front of everyday and I had just told her about what had happened before Mason left my house last night. 

"I don't know. We kind of just came to an understanding." I looked down at my hands and continued, "I don't want us to be broken up."

"Again." Miranda added. I glared at her and she went on, "Hey, it's not a lie. You two do break up quite often." She leaned forward and grabbed my hands, holding them tightly in her own, "But I know that-"

"Excuse me, but please release her. No contact, she is still a danger." One of the nurses piped in from behind us. Miranda quickly withdrew her hands and her face flushed. 

"She's not a fuc-" I began, but Miranda cut me off with a shake of her head. 

"It's fine, really." She promised. I threw a glare over Miranda's shoulder at the old woman who was know watching us like a hawk. "But anyway," she shook her head slightly, trying to remember where she left off, "what I do know is that every time you guys broke up, you got back together and were stronger than ever." I watched as the nurse's eyes got large as she realized who we were talking about. 

"Thanks Mims," I said gratefully. "I'm glad I got to leave here on a good note with someone. I'll come visit wherever you are as soon as I get home."

"I love you, Ash." 

"I love you too, Mims." 

We said our goodbyes and I left, going back home to pack the rest of my bags and prepare for the flight that I had in less than three days. 



I know this is really short and I'm sorry, but I didn't know what else to add in this part because I wanted the flight to occur in another chapter, so bare with me.

Thank you to those of you who are reading these chapters every time there is an update, even though the updates are rare. I really do appreciate it. 

My goal is to start updating more and trying to get this book to have as many reads as the original had. I still can't believe how God-awful that one was. 

Don't get me wrong, this one is still cringey, but as I get older, I feel as though my writing is improving and maturing along with me. 

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