Chapter Eleven

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It is currently the last period of the day and today has been unusually uneventful. The same amount of homework, the same amount of glares from Rynn and her minions, and the same boring amount of schoolwork. The only exciting thing about today was that I had soccer practice later, after school.

As the teacher rambled on about some kind of math equation, I twirled one of my curls around my finger and sighed. The period slowly dragged on and as the last bell rang and I went to my locker, I heard my phone go off. I opened my locker and placed my book inside, before digging my phone out of my bag.

Boyfran ❤️ : Miss you :'(

I smiled at Mason's new name and giggled slightly at the text.

I replied back : Dork :p

As I smiled at my phone screen, Miranda came up next to me and grabbed my phone and said, "Aw, goals." She then handed it back to me and I blushed. She gave me a knowing smile and quickly walked away, leaving me alone to get to soccer.

I quickly grabbed all my stuff and went to the locker room before changing into my practice clothes and head out on to the field. As team captain of the varsity team, I had to lead stretches and I did just that. My best friend from the team stood next to me as we began to run our lap around the field. "So, Mason, huh?" She said and smiled at me.

"Oh my god, you too?" She laughed and nodded her head,

"Everyone at this school, honey. Except you." She smiled at me and we continued running. As we neared the end of the lap, I turned into the middle of the field so we could stretch on the circle, like we usually do.

After stretching, the coach had us scrimmage and she put us into our teams before leaving to go finish grading papers on the sideline. I took my position in striker and the scrimmage began.


"Ash, you got me!" Kelsey screamed from the other side of the field. I glanced over at her and quickly crossed the ball and sprinted closer to the goal, watching to make sure I wasn't offsides.

I noticed that Ingrid was coming up on Kelsey quickly, so I yelled, "On you! You got me!" And she chipped the ball into the air. As the ball came closer to the ground, I used my chest to trap it and I continued sprinting and I shot as I came just outside the box. Kelsey quickly ran closer to the goal, getting ready to kick it in if need be, but it went straight into the top right corner. My team screamed and the other team groaned, the seniors glaring at me, but I just continued celebrating with my team.


Getting back home, I jumped in the shower before changing into my flannel and skinny jeans. No one was home, but my mom left me a note saying they were all at a pack meeting. Them all being gone meant that I was home alone, so I could do whatever I wanted. So I chose to do what every other teenage girl would do. I watched old disney movies on Putlocker.

I still can't tell if it's illegal or not, but my school uses it, so I guess it's not that illegal.


I woke up to the sound of the front door closing and a bunch of people walking into the house. I sat up and turned my head slightly and saw that my family had a few extra people with them. Mason being one of them. He came over to me and plopped down next to me, swinging his arm over my shoulders and kissing me on the cheek. I put my head on his shoulder and wrapped my one arm around his waist. I began to close my eyes again when my mom said, "Ashley, these are Mason's parents, Luna May and Alpha Ben."

I smiled at them and went to stand up to shake their hands, but they told me not to worry and to sit down and Mason pulled me back down to him, tucking his face in my neck. I placed my hand on his jawline and looked towards his parents who were smiling at me. "It's nice to meet you, Alpha and Luna."

"Oh, please, call us May and Ben," Mason's father, Ben, said. I smiled at them and nodded before they sat down on the other couches, May grabbing Ben's hand and lacing their fingers together and placing it on her lap. I looked over at Mason and saw that his eyes were closed and his breaths were low and steady. I smiled and took my hand away from his face, but before I could move any further, Mason grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, and he laid down on my lap and put my hands on his head. I rolled my eyes and began playing with his hair as I heard people begin to chuckle.

I looked up and I saw my family and Mason's family looking at us like we were the cutest puppies they had ever seen. I smiled sheepishly at them and looked down at Mason, who seemed to be sleeping. "What wiped him out?" I laughed.

"Training and many meetings." His father answered, looking at his son. I nodded and let the adults have their conversation about the weather and politics and I saw as my little brother, Mikey, walked in with a little brunette girl.

"Hi, sweetie." May greeted her. The little girl smiled then looked over at me and Mason, giving me a confused look. I laughed and shrugged a little, careful not to wake up the beast. After a while, my brothers seemed to disperse and go their separate ways. Mikey went to bed, Ryland and Jake went to play Call of Duty, and Max and Alex went to bed because they had work in the morning.

The little girl sat in her May's arms, eyes drooping and May eventually said, "Looks like little miss Amber is getting tired." All the parents laughed and got up to leave. I looked down at Mason and I poked his cheek, attempting to wake him up.

"Mason." I whispered. "Mason," I repeated a little louder. Eventually, I flicked his ear, and he grabbed my wrist to prevent me from doing it again. He groaned and sat up, resting his head in his hands, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

He's so cute, I thought to myself.

"Mason, you are welcome to stay the night." My dad said as he stepped into the room.

"Are you sure?" Mason asked.

"Of course, and you can sleep wherever you'd like. Goodnight, everyone. " He said, giving me a look, and my mom followed him upstairs.

I stood up and Mason grabbed the pillow and throw blanket before standing up and cracking his back. "You don't have to sleep down here." I said quietly.

"What?" Mason asked.

I looked at him and we made eye contact. "You can sleep with me, if you want." He nodded quickly and I smiled at the sight of him. We head upstairs and I turned on my light as he shut the door. I went to my dresser to grab pajamas, then I head into the bathroom to change and brush my teeth. As I walked back into my room, there was a lump on my side of the bed. I walked over and pushed him until he rolled to the other side of the bed, groaning the whole time. I laughed, quickly turning off the lights and laid down under the covers, pulling them over me until the were just below my nose. I turned on my side, facing away from the other person in my bed and tried to ignore the butterflies.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to a bare chest. I turned around to face him and asked, "When did you even take off your shirt?" I asked him confused.

"When you were in the bathroom." He mumbled back, moving his one leg so it was in between mine.

I felt his leg hair brush against my leg and I gasp, "Oh my god, are you naked?" I quickly push away from him and he sighs, pulling me back to face him.

"Mostly." I shimmy away from him and he growls, pulling me closer, "I have my boxers on." I calmed down and rest my head on his arm that was under my head. I feel his heavy arm lay down on my side, resting his hand on my lower back and I carefully put my own arm on his waist. I feel him kiss my forehead and I was out like a light.

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