Chapter Six

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"What are you doing today?" Mason asked me over the phone as I slid on my slides.

"I have a soccer game in like twenty minutes."


"The local college campus. Why? Do you want to stalk me?"

"Yup." And with that, he hung up. Anxiety built up in my chest at the thought of him watching me play. I mean, I wasn't bad but he would make me nervous, so I would play terribly.

Well this should be fun, I thought to myself before hiking downstairs to meet my family in the trucks. Since there are eight of us, we have to take four vehicles. The four oldest get their own truck and the two youngest get to drive with my parents. I don't really have a problem with it since I get dibs on the music that is being played since we are on the way to my game.

"Oh, guys." I said as we all buckled up. "Mason is apparently going to the game, so you'll get to meet him." My parents looked at each other briefly before my mom responded.

"That's great sweetie, we can't wait." She looked back and gave me a small smile, but my dad just sat there, glaring at the steering wheel.


My heart was pounding in my ears as I sprinted down the field with the ball in between my feet. The other team kept trying to pull moves to confuse me, but little do they know, I created those moves and I know how to anticipate when someone is going to do something.

I glanced up and saw a defender coming right towards me and as soon as she got within a foot of me, I kicked the ball between her legs and rushed to catch it. Hearing the crowd scream, "Megged," made me laugh while I finished my sprint to the goal.

Slamming my foot against the ball, it picked up and curved, going exactly where I wanted it to. The top right corner. The crowd cheered and my team came up to me and hugged me, before my best friend on the team, Riley came and picked me up and spun me around.

Looking out into the stands, I saw my family cheering and right in the front row was Mason, staring at me with a small smile and clapping his hands calmly. I blushed because he just saw me score a goal, like that's weird for me. He jokingly blew me a kiss and I caught it and put it on my cheek before laughing and getting back in the starting line up.


"Did you see that meg? Oh my god, it was beautiful. Am I right?" Ryland said for about the fiftieth time. However, my brothers kept going on and on about how great it was. My parents were walking in front of me, with their hands intertwined and they silently talked.

The story of how my parents met is actually pretty creepy, but my mom says it's adorable. She was in the passenger seat of her friend's car when my dad pulled up next to them. They kind of just stared at each other for a minute until the light went green, then my mom's friend pulled away. But my dad, being the creepy stalker that he is, followed them all the way to the beach just to talk to my mom, because he said it was "love at first sight."

They have been together ever since.

While enveloped in my thoughts, I saw someone walking towards me and I looked up and it was Mason holding a bunch of flowers that were the color of my team's jersey. I smiled as he got closer and I stopped walking, but my family didn't until they realized that they passed me. They stopped and observed what was going on, but I barely noticed them as Mason was smiling like the Chesire Cat and handed me the flowers.

"For me? You shouldn't have." I said, reaching for the flowers that he had pushed out in front of him.

"Oh, okay. I'll return them then." He said, pulling them out of my hands and turning around.

"I mean, you shouldn't have, but it's really sweet that you did." I smiled and he came back and gave me a hug before handing me the flowers.

"You're amazing." He said, looking into my eyes. I gave him a confused look because of what he said and he quickly said, "I meant you were amazing, as in your playing. Like your goals and stuff. I mean you're amazing, but you played really well." I started cracking up and he added, "Oh shut up, I got you flowers."

"Thank you." I replied, smiling at him and holding the flowers closer to my chest. He smiled and the butterflies in my stomach started moving around faster and I almost swooned.

"Mason?" My dad said, and Mason turned around. My family all had their heads bowed slightly, and Mason cleared his throat, and they all raised them back up to normal. "I'm Ashley's dad."

"Hello, sir." Mason said and reached out his hand.

"Can I speak with you in private?"

"Of course." Mason turned and smiled at me, before following my dad, away from us.

Weird, I thought.


"Alpha, I-" Keith began.

"No need to call me Alpha, sir. I'm not the Alpha yet." I smiled reassuringly at him.

"Okay, well Mason. I can see how you look at my daughter." I looked down and tried to hide my smile.

I already look at her in a certain way, I thought to myself.

"You're mates." He said, stating the obvious.

"Yes, sir."  I looked up to try and see any sign of anger or hatred towards me, but I found none.

"Don't hurt her okay? Then I'd have to kill you." He laughed slightly, and if anyone else had said that to me, they'd be dead already.

"I don't plan on it, but she doesn't know about any of this. Any of our world?"

"No, we tried telling her the other night, but she wouldn't believe us. I was wondering if you could maybe tell her."

"Of course." I would love to tell her because then I could tell her about us being mates. "But I have a question, all your boys have the gene, but why doesn't Ashley?"

"Since her mom is a human, any female offspring that we have, wouldn't have had the dominant gene, since male half-breeds are more likely to inherit it. She has some of the traits of a wolf, like the eyesight, the speed, and things like that, but she can't transform and she gets sick." He explained as we turned back around and started walking back towards the family. I looked over at Ashley and saw her resting her head on one of her brother's arms with her eyes closed, and I let out a small growl, that the brother heard and so did Keith. The brother just smirked at me and put his arm around her and I continued glaring at him.

Keith chuckled as we approached the place where they were standing. Ashley looked up at me and took her head off her brother's arm and rubbed her eyes before asking, "Can we go home now?" The family says yes and they all head back towards the trucks.

I grab Ashley's arm and pull her closer to me before asking, "Hang out with me later? We can go to the hiking trails?"

"Sure, text me the details and I will meet you there." She smiled.

"I'll pick you up." I said before letting her go back to her family.

I watched her retreating figure and smiled as she tripped over a small rock and looked back at me sheepishly.

She's pretty cute, if I say so myself.


Surprise! I posted a new chapter on a day that wasn't Tuesday! Anyway I have a bunch of chapters already written but if you want me to include anything from the original book, comment or message me and I'll try to put it in somewhere.

And thank you to the people who are voting for the chapters as you read them, it means a lot! I'm trying to make the chapters longer and more interesting to read and I have a few things planned out, but not written yet so there's a lot of surprises and new things that will be happening in chapter 14ish.

Okay, so thank you so much and I love everyone who is voting for the chapters. I worked really hard on trying to improve myself and my writing so the book wasn't too childish.

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