Chapter Five

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The sound of my alarm blaring next to my head wakes me from a deep sleep. I groan and press the power button on my phone to turn the sound off. Swinging my feet off the side of my bed, I rub my eyes and glare at my room.

It's somehow your fault I have to wake up, my thoughts are directed at the chair in the corner of my room. I groan and shuffle out of bed and into my bathroom, washing my face and putting on deodorant before walking into my closet. I checked the weather on my phone and it said it was supposed to be rainy, so I put on my leggings, gray uggs, and my green school hoodie and trudged downstairs beginning my hunt for food.

Not to my surprise, my mom was cooking and my dad was drinking his coffee while reading the newspaper. Yes, I know it's such a stereotype but hey, it's my family. You don't pick your family.

When I entered the room, my dad looked up at me, waiting for me to say something. "Hey." I said and grabbed my plate of eggs and sat down at the island.

"Hey honey, how did you sleep?" My mom asked. They're being so weird.

"Fine?" I replied and they kept staring at me as I ate my eggs. "Can I help you two?"

"Sorry, we just expected a different reaction from what we told you last night." My dad explained.

"We're still on that? Ha ha guys funny the jokes over, it's getting old." I pushed my plate away and headed back upstairs to brush my teeth and do my hair. Since it was a lazy day, I decided to just put my hair in a messy bun with some light makeup.

I looked in the full length mirror and nodded once before grabbing my bag and heading to the truck, ignoring my parents on the way.


"I can't tell if they're still trying to be funny or if they're delusional." I tell my friend Miranda as I slam my locker shut.

Miranda shifts uncomfortably and breaths heavily through her nose, "I don't know, Ash. Maybe they're right."

I roll my eyes and say, "They got you in it too?" As we walk, more of our group start to form a line in the huge hallway.

"So Ash, how was the festival?" My friend Kelsey asked.

"It was fine, I met a guy." I smile remembering the fireworks.

The group began fussing over it and asked a lot of questions and making oooooo-ing sounds.

"Will we ever meet him?" Miranda asked.

"Maybe someday." I laugh at my own joke and they look at me like I'm crazy.

"At least tell us his name."

"His name is Mason. Mason Hollis."

The girls all looked at each other, but Miranda was the first to speak. "So tell us about what your parents said again."

"What's with the face?"  I ask them.

"It's just that Mason-" Kelsey began.

"Mason? Mason Hollis? As in my boyfriend Mason Hollis?" The grade's bitch, Rynn, said stalking over to us.

"B-boyfriend?" I stutter.

"Yes, sweetie. Boyfriend. As in kissing, dates, sex. The whole she-bang."

"Oh." I said and my group pulled me away from her, all grumbling about how much they hate her, but me staying silent.


My classes were moving along pretty quickly and I couldn't wait until lunch. They were serving chicken nuggets today and they were calling my name.

As the lunch bell rang, everyone jumped out of their seats and filed into the hallway. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket and looked at the text.

I smiled when I saw the name.

M8😍 : come outside

Me: is this some HSM type shit

M8😍: shut up and come outside

I smiled and head to my locker, putting my books away before going outside. As soon as I stepped out, I saw Mason waiting there for me, with a rose in his hand. I laughed and he saw me and looked up, handing the rose to me.

"Why thank you, kind sir." I laughed.

He took my hand and I let him for a second before I thought back to what Rynn said and slid my hand away and grabbed my other arm. I smiled sadly at him as he lead me to wherever he was taking me. "How was school?" He asked awkwardly.

"Please, no. Don't say that." I laughed. "You sound like a dad." He laughed with me and stopped walking as we came across the courtyard where he sat up a picnic under a tree. "Is this for us?"

He smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah."

"Mason I-"

"If you don't like it, we could go out to eat somewhere. You can pick." He said nervously.

"No no it's amazing and really sweet, but you have a girlfriend." I said calmly, even though inside I wanted to cry.

"What are you talking about?" He said confused.

"Rynn?" I said in a duh tone.

"Rynn? I haven't talked to her in years. We never dated. We hung out." He said uncomfortably. "Plus, I have my eyes and hopes set on another girl. Someone much better." He smiled at me and slid his hand down my arm, grasping my hand with his.

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