Chapter 1

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"Sabrina, I dare you to curse," one boy says, smirking at me mischievously. I believe his name is Miles. No Kyle! It's Kyle.. "I can't, I don't curse! I'm all good over here," I say, flipping my hair to the side and doing a small wink.

"Plus I would get in so much trouble," I add, slouching against the couch and McKenna laughs slightly as I frown.

"You're such a goodie goodie," Britney says rolling her eyes and chuckling lowly. "I know.. It's not my fault I'm probably going to be good forever!" I say weirdly and everyone gives me a weird look before laughing.

"Wake up bitches!!" I yell, jumping on my bed while banging 2 small pots together. "Sabrina, shut the fuck up!" Britney says, before throwing her pillow at me. "Then get the fuck up," I say before jumping off of my bed and going over to Mckenna. "Bloody hell," she says with her accent bold, as I smack her with Britney's pillow.

It's funny how I went from a goodie goodie to... Well, me. I kind of figured I wouldn't be good forever though.

Oh, let me introduce myself! I am Sabrina Lindea Lawley. Yeah yeah, I'm Kian Lawley's Sister, don't get overly excited. I'm 17 and I was a goodie goodie, but life carries on, things change, blah blah blah.

I was just a girl in a group, but now I'm the leader of that group, and that's why there's only two people left in it because everyone else got 'tired of my shit.'

I get in a lot of trouble, I shoplift, I kind of vandalize, I hate humans, and I'm rude as hell. I'm still an umm, a virgin. I'm not that bad.. Sex right now is just disgusting to me.

I live in Hollywood, California, meanwhile, Kian lives in L.A with Jc and his other friends, also known as O2L. They have this YouTube channel, Our 2nd Life, and they're pretty famous. They're going on tour this summer and I'm visiting too, so I guess I'm going to be going on tour with them this year. My mom lives in Iowa, along with my other sister, Izzy.

I moved here with my friends because Iowa got pretty boring after Kian left. I don't really see my mom a lot now, I only go up there for Christmas and Thanksgiving, of course Kian does too.

I still sort of listen in school, and because of that, my lowest grade right now is a C. Some days I care, but only the days that nobody messes with me, then I'll be good, but, enough about me.

"Hey! We're all wearing the same colors today," I say going towards the bathroom and setting my towel on the radiator. "Oh, yeah I forgot about that," Mckenna says, getting out of her bed with a groan.

"Of course you did, you are horrible when it comes to remembering things," I say chuckling and starting the shower. "Shut up," she says rolling her eyes and throwing something at me.

"You guys should come with me to L.A, you know.. to meet my brother," I say and hear squeals from inside of the room. "We know your brother, he is sexy as fuck," Britney spoke the first part and McKenna spoke the second.

"You're fans?" I ask and they both nod with smiles stretched across their faces. I laugh before going back into the bathroom and finally getting into the shower once it was warm enough.


Once I get out, I admire myself in the full body mirror hanging on the wall. "I hate you," Britney says looking at my outfit. "Don't hate the player hate the...Outfit?" I say awkwardly as a questionable look plasters on my face.

"Yeah ok," Britney says laughing and going into the bathroom. After they both get out of the shower we all do our hair and makeup.

I did beach waves, Britney curled her hair, and Mckenna tied 2 braids that met in the middle and curled the rest of her hair. "Let's goooo," I say putting my shoes on and grabbing my phone before going down the stairs and out of the door.

Once I parked and we walked inside of the school, I immediately notice the stares from other people. "Is there a problem?" I yell, causing most of them to turn back around. "Damn," I say as I roll my eyes and the girls scoff. The principal gives me a glare and I smile at her, then when she turns around, I wipe the smile off my face and stick my middle finger up.

"I'm not dealing with her shit today. If she says something to us, then we're leaving," I say and they look at each other and nod. "On the last day of school Kian said he's not going to make it in time to pick us up so, we're probably gonna have to drive." I remember and they nod as they close their lockers.

The bell rings and I groan. "Let's go," I say and we slowly walk to class until the bell rings again. "Oops we're late," I say with a fake worried tone, looking at the girls. "You know everyone's going to be staring at us when we walk in?" Britney asks and I shrug, not caring.

"That's why we all just flip our hair," I say in a weird voice and we laugh and walk into class. Like we said everyone was staring at us, and we just flipped our hair.

"I hope you know that you're late Miss Lawley, Miss Brown, and Miss Jones," Mr. Kendrick says as we sit down and I glance at the clock. "Are we? Oops, thought we were early.." I say with a sarcastic smile and some people laugh while others look at me with no emotion. He mumbles something and I just roll my eyes. I look down, noticing a note on my desk. A grimace makes it's way on my face as I pick it up and open it.

Dear Sabrina..
You think you run this school but you don't! You won't be leader of that little group of yours for long bitch..
The fuck?
Ok so I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of Kian Lawley's Sister. Don't forget to vote and hopefully I get more reads than other books I've written.

Anyway don't be a silent reader! Leave a comment telling me what you thought.

Words: 1041

And... Thanks for reading :)



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