Chapter 27

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"Sabrina can I talk to you for a second?" Jc asks staring at me nervously as his leg shakes. "Sure," I say getting up and following him upstairs.

Once I sit on his bed he shuts the door and comes to sit beside me. His next words are what caused my breath to hitch and my eyes to go wide.

"I don't want to keep you in here so to cut straight to the point I wanted to ask.... Will you be my girlfriend, Bri?"

Kyle's Pov
I walk up the stairs stopping right in front of Jc's door. Anger travels through my whole body as I hear him ask the one question I hoped to ask her soon.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Bri?"

"Fuck!" I yell running down the stairs, hearing Jc's door swing open. "Kyle, what's wrong?" Sabrina asks quickly walking down the stairs and looking up to me when she stands in front of me.

"What's wrong??? What's wrong is.. this prick stole what was supposed to be mine. The person I wanted to take on dates, someone I wanted to fall asleep and wake up with, someone I wanted to say 'I love You' to.." I say, my mood changing from angered to saddened at the end.

"Now that person is being taken away from me because she's Jc's girlfriend right?" I ask, noticing everyone in the living room now. Sabrina doesn't answer as her shocked expression seeps in and I shake my head looking down.

I walk towards the door, nobody stopping or calling out to me.

"And.." I pause looking at everyone before looking at her. "Maybe even the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and even settle down and get married..." I say before closing the door and walking out to my car.

I sit in it, not starting it but just sitting. My head resting on the steering-wheel as a angry tear rolled down my cheek but I quickly sat up and wiped it away. "Fuck.." I whisper quietly before starting the car and driving away.

Jc's Pov
I let Kyle's words slowly process through my mind, and so did everyone else as we all just stood there shocked. "What a pussy," Kian says, filling the silence as Sabrina glares at him. "What the heck just happened?!" Ricky says confusingly, staring at the door.

"I really...don't know," Connor says shaking his head quickly before grabbing a pillow, bringing it to his chest, and sitting down, resting his chin on it.

"Brit... McKenna," Sabrina calls out lowly, looking up to them. "We need to leave," she says shaking her head stepping back slightly. "Us coming here caused drama, I can't do it anymore.." Bri continues with tears slowly running down her cheek.

"But tour is tomorrow," Kian says sadly and she nods her head. "I know, you guys should finish packing.. I'm not going, we're not going.. I don't want to be here anymore," she cries out, McKenna and Brit are quick to be by her side hugging her.

"Please stay," I say quietly, so quiet I wasn't sure if she heard me so I repeated it. "Please stay.. Bri," I say walking towards her and she looks at me. She looks down and stares as if in deep thought before scanning the room and huffing.

"Fine," she says and everyone cheers while Sam does this weird happy dance causing her to laugh. "We gotta finish packing, lets gooooo," Kian yells running to his room along with everyone else running to theirs.

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