Chapter 34

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  "I went on a date," I speak, trying to keep my voice low and I see Britney shift excitedly. "With?" She asks and I look at the door to see if anyone was there. "Kyle," I finally whisper and she gasp dramatically, her eyes shifting to his clothes on my body.

"YOU FUCKED KYLE!?" She yells and my whole body freezes when I hear the movie suddenly pause downstairs, along with footsteps coming up the stairs.

I'm screwed..

McKenna's Pov
  While Sabrina was gone, Jc was upset and decided everyone should just watch a movie until she got back and also because Connor is leaving tomorrow, so this is our last movie night together. A movie turned into some movies, until she finally got home around one in the morning. She suddenly ran up the stairs and Britney ran after her, up into her room.

A jump scare popped up on the screen, but nobody jumped from it. "This movie is stupid," Connor says, putting a pillow over his face and groaning.

"Well then choo-"

Jc is suddenly cut off by a scream upstairs, along with a stream of curse words that followed after. "YOU FUCKED KYLE?!" Britney's loud voice echoes from upstairs and I watch Jc's body tense and his fist clench.

Kian was the first to go up the stairs, then it was Jc, then me and Connor for some reason. "I'm sorry.. Who fucked Kyle?" Kian asks in a oddly calm voice, which even put me on edge. There was no anger on Jc's face at all, but there was a slight frown on his face as he glanced at the clothes on Sabrina.

"No one.. What are you talking about," Britney speaks first, a nervous laugh following that kind of made her sound like a psychopath. "Sabrina?" Jc whispers and she doesn't look at him for a couple of seconds before she finally looks up at his face, and the vulnerable look he has on it. "You..went out with Kyle tonight?" He asks, slowly walking towards her. Kian looks at him, before looking back at us and gesturing his head towards the door.

Britney slowly stands up and all of us walk out, letting them talk it out. I'm sure Kian will most likely handle that later.

I jump on top of Kian when he plops down on the bed face first. "You want a massage?" I question, sitting on his butt as he mumbles something into the pillow. "Yes," he says lifting his head for a second and I nod, struggling to take his shirt off, but finally managing to do so.

Jc's Pov
  I'm not mad at her, I'm just hurt, a lot.  I looked at her as she nodded her head slowly. "Did you go to his house or the club? What you were wearing earlier seemed like you were going to the club," I glare at her and she rolls her eyes. "I told you, unless you're with me you can't wear things like that," I tell her, standing up and putting my hands on my head.

"You aren't my b-"

"I know I'm not your boyfriend! But that doesn't mean I won't protect you like a boyfriend would," I almost yell and she freezes, glancing at me for a second. "You weren't there to protect me from Josh, so you can't protect me now," she says and I glare at her.

"But I'm here now! Am I not? I've been here for you all along! I'm still here, but you're so fucked in the head from everything that's happened, that you can't see it! I've tried fixing things, I've tried explaining, I've tried hearing you out, I've tried everything Sabrina! What don't you understand?" I speak, basically tearing my hair out. I'm on my knees in front of her, my hands holding hers as my head rests on her knees.

"All you've ever done was hurt me. Again and again and again, but I stayed because I knew you were confused and was trying to figure yourself out. But this is ridiculous. I've been trying to love you, to cherish you, to be here for you but each time you betrayed me! You betrayed my love, my trust, me in general, Sabrina."

"At this point I'm begging, but you still don't see it, do you?" I ask looking up at her, tears gathering in her eyes. "I do Jc, I promise I do now," she nods her head eagerly and I shake my head letting go of her hands.

"You don't Sabrina. And you won't, because you can't feel anything with anyone else. You don't know how anything feels anymore because you let your past blind you. You let your past only let you feel and care for yourself.. I've been trying to help you! I've been trying so fucking hard.. But all you've ever did was screw me over.. Every. Fucking. Time. Every time I came to help, you screwed me over and I still don't know why I keep coming back.." I take a breath, staring at her tear stained face now.

"Actually I do know.. It's because I love you... but, you don't seem to want me," I sadly laugh, standing up and thinking back to when we first texted each other.

"I'm trying! Please! I'm trying so fucking hard Jc! I can't escape.. I need you to help me. Help me find a cure to keep my past away from my future-"

"It seems as though your past has already interfered with your future.. Has it not?" I ask her as I watch more tears appear in her eyes. I slowly begin to take small steps away from her. "I don't want you to hurt me anymore..but that's all it seems you know how to do," I mumble, looking down again before hearing the bed creak lowly, meaning she got up.

"I just want you to know I understand now.. What can I do? What can I do to let you know that?" She cries, grabbing my hands in hers, lacing her fingers through mine, but mine don't do the same. "You can just- hurt me again.." I whisper and she lets go of me. "What?" She questions stepping away from me.

"No.." she says, shaking her head and wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. My chin rests on her shoulder as my arms circle around her waist. "It's bound to happen," I say moving my head into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent. "It's not," she rushes out, pulling away from me and staring at me.

I lean forward, connecting my lips with hers and she immediately responds, but I pull away quickly.

"Goodbye Bri," I whisper, finally opening the door, not missing the look of hurt and confusion on her face.

All she knows how to do is hurt because that's what she feels the most.

She would never know what it felt like. To be, my type of...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I finally updated early for once, so woo?


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Words: 1,177

Love you guys :)



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