Chapter 22

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   We walk downstairs and Jc's jaw clenches when he sees us.

I am officially a slut...

I speak to myself with a sigh. We go out the door and get into the car. "To your surprise we go," Kyle says with a smile before pulling off.

Jc's Pov
  I watched Sabrina look a me with a guilty look as they left out of the door. I punched a wall after I watched them drive a way. How the hell could she be so stupid? All he wants is to get into her pants! She lead me on and now here she is, going on a date with him.

I should've known I was going to lose her. I tried to do things with her that a girlfriend could ever ask for. Took her shopping, got her nails done, went out for dinner, explored California... What else do I need to do for this girl to just love me back and understand how much I like her?

Kian came into the room as his eyes widened at the dent in the wall. "What the hell happened?" He asks and I shrugged sitting down again. "I punched the wall," I said it like it was nothing and he stared at me as if I was stupid. "Why?" He asks and I explained the situation to him.

"Dudee," he groans, running a hand through his hair. "You're whipped," he continues and I arch an eyebrow. "No I'm not," I argue and he laughs holding up one finger.

"Signs that you're whipped... One, You pay for her shit.. Two, you take her out for dinner.. Three, you do whatever she tells you to do, and four you'd do anything to get her back.." he says and I huff out a breath. "Now am I right or am I right?" He asks and I laugh pushing him slightly.

"I guess you're right," I say wiping the smile off of my face. "You have to resolve all of this before tour next week," he says and I nod before getting up. "I'll just talk to her when they get back," I say going up the stairs, seeing him nod before going into my room and shutting the door.

Yet, I still wasn't able to take this pain I felt..

Sabrina's Pov
  Kyle took me on a nice date that was near the beach. He made a reservation at this little restaurant that looked perfect and not too expansive. "This place seems nice," I say and his smile drops suddenly.

"You sound sarcastic.. If you don't want to go here we can go somewhere else," he panics and I shake my head. "No no.. It's perfect," I smile and he nods, letting out a breath of relief.

I turn away from him and begin to walk before my figure crashes into someone else, causing them to wrap their hands around my waist. I look up and notice it's Morgan's friend from Starbucks that day. "Hi," his minty breath fans my face when he speaks.

"Hi," I say backing away from his grip as Kyle grabs me. I look up at him to see him glaring at Liam causing a smile to break out on my face. "I should go," Liam says looking at Kyle then sending me a wink before walking off.

Kyle and I sit at our table and wait for our waiter to come. "What do you want?" He asks and I scan through the menu. "I want the Chicken DamaBianca," I try to pronounce the Italian dish and he chuckles.

I die when he repeats it and it perfectly rolls off his tongue. "I didn't know you were Italian," I raise an eyebrow and he nods laughing. "I'm Italian, white, and a little of African American," he says and I smile. "Wow," I say just as the waiter comes.

"Hi my name is Dominic and I will be your server tonight. What can I start you guys off with to drink?" He asks with a smile on his face. "I'll just take a water," I say and he nods looking at Kyle. "I'll take a sweet tea," he says and I smile at him.

"Okay! I will be right back," Dominic says walking away with his notepad. I glare at Kyle when I feel him place a hand on my thigh. "Please don't do anything stupid when I'm ordering," I say when he applies pressure. "I won't.." he says with a smirk as the waiter comes back.

"Are you ready to order?" He asks and we both nod. "I'll have the Chicken D-Dama..." I gasp cutting off my sentence when his hand pushes up my dress and presses against my middle. "You okay?" Kyle asks with a chuckle, knowing exactly what he's doing.

"She wants the Chicken DamaBianca," he says for me and I nod grabbing his hand tightly when it pushes against me and I purse my lips to keep any noises from coming out. "I'll just have the Pasta Primavera," he says with a smile and the waiter gives me a look as if he knew what was going on with a small smirk before walking away.

"I hate you," I say hitting his arm and hum when he rubs me. "You what?" He asks with a small smirk and I whimper when he gives me a kiss on the side of my mouth, instead of my lips. "Stop it," I growl and he chuckles before removing his hand, but leaving it on my leg.

"Sorry," he says, but I suddenly wanted him to touch me again. "Kyle," I breath on purpose and he glares at me. "Don't do that," he says and his hand moves to my thigh. I kiss his jawline and sit in my seat innocently as if I didn't do anything.

"Bri.." Kyle warns and I chuckle holding my hands up. His fingers dig into my inner thigh and a low whimper leaves my mouth. All naughty actions were stopped after that and he smiled victoriously.

We both pull away from each other when our food finally comes to our table.  We continue eating and glaring at each other until we finish.

*Back At Home*

As soon as I walk into the house, Jc grabs my arm, pulling me up the stairs with him. "Jc stop," I say, but he continues walking angrily. "Stop please," I say and he pulls me into his room, slamming the door to keep me from leaving.

"How could you do that!" He yells and I back away from him, smelling the alcohol in his breath. "You lead me on Sabrina! Then you go on a date with him?" He asks coming towards me and I fall onto his bed. "I'm sorry," I choke out almost crying with fear as his fist ball. I try touching his fist to calm him, but he yanks away from me.

"Please let me go," I say getting off of his bed, but he pushes me back down roughly. "No! You hurt me Sabrina.. I love you! And this is how you treat me!?" He yells angrily and tears escape my eyes. Banging is heard from the door, but he pays no attention to it. "No stop please Jc I'm sorry," I say pushing him only to whimper when he pushes me, causing me to hit my head on the side of the bed.

I cry out in fear and he puts his hand over my mouth. "It's okay princess," he says cockily and tears pour down my face as one of his hands are holding mine above me and the other is covering my mouth. "Jc!" I hear another voice boom from outside the door.

It was Kian.. Please someone just help me!
Everyone is probably shocked right now.. I wanted to make the story more interesting so I added that in. It low key hurt to write that because I know Jc would never do that to anyoneee. ):

Hopefully you enjoyed the twist and will wait to see what happens next chapter which will come out on Friday!





Words: 1,299

Love you guys :)



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