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Stepping into my house was like stepping into a desert, but it wasn't hot and we had water. It was incredibly quiet, you could hear a pin drop or maybe even a feather.

Mum was in south Africa trying to help children there and my father was in charge of the company Apple in America so they both wire me money each month. I used to live with my dad but I missed Australia so I moved back last month.

My two munchkin kittens, Mika and Pika, came scampering in. Mika was white with a black 'mask' while Pika was black with a white 'mask'. They were my babies and I loved them.

"Hi babies. Did you miss me?" I cooed.

They purred and rubbed up against my ankles. I hung my backpack up and kicked my black booties off.

"Dinner time." I announced, picking up my two pets.

They were so small they were just a tad bit more than the size of my hand. I set them down on the counter, where they both skidded around, and grabbed their food out of the cabinet.

"Here you go, babies. I'm sorry I left you guys today. I missed you two."


"You can lay anywhere and you pick in front of the door!"

The black dog stared up at me before laying back down.

"I'm the only one who's ever going to walk through that door so you shouldn't get your hopes up." I stated.

The house was empty and I wasn't expecting anything less. Mom was in South America learning the new way to teach math and Dad worked in America editing books.

I went upstairs and tossed my backpack on the floor. Digging my pack of cigarettes out of my drawers, I put on between my lips and lit it up.

I was one of those people who could have a cigarette whenever I wanted but I never need one. Ashton hates me because of it since he always needs a cigarette and goes through a pack in a day.

I stared across the hall to the 'book room'. Dad got a copy of whatever book he edited and he just put them in there like a library.

Michael would like that room. He seems to like books.



~Cookie Xx

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