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I heard the noise of heels clicking against the floor. They stopped so I looked up to see a brunette girl wearing a top far too small for even a Barbie doll to be wearing. Barbie, she sure did look like a Barbie doll.

"You're the new kid." She stated.

"Oh, yeah, I am." I smiled, "I'm-"

"I don't care." She cut me off, "You stay away from Thorn, understood? He is my boyfriend and you can't just walk in and get all cozy with him. Do you hear me!?"

"Yes. I hear you." I nodded.

"Good. Now get out my way, here he comes." Barbie stated.

I turned around to see Luke coming through the double doors at the end of the hallway. As soon as he set one foot on the tile floor everyone scattered out of the way, creating a walkway for the blond.

Thorn was Luke? Why did she call him Thorn.

Luke walked down the hall, lighting a cigarette with one hand as he unbuttoned the top two buttons on his red plaid shirt with his other.

He walked right past, not bothering to even look in Barbie's direction, and went into the math room. His two friends from yesterday followed him in and as soon as Barbie wasn't watching, I was in that room as well.

The teacher, Mr. Jekenson, handed me a work packet and told me to sit in the empty seat in the back. Everyone else got a test but I got to take it tomorrow since I was new.

Luke sat down next to me, his feet up on the empty seat in front of him. I sat down and immediately started working.


  got house 2 myself com over? ~ C

  sounds good - A
  Invite new kid?? ~ C

  I'll ask >L

I looked over at Michael, who was busy working out math problems.

"Michael." I whisper shouted.

He looked up from his worksheet and slightly tilted his head as he looked at me.

"You, me, going to my friends house. Be at my car after school."

Then I turned back to Calum and Ashton, who weren't listening to the conversation, and gave them a nod so they knew the blond was coming.


The blond was on the curb, sitting across from my car with a book in his lap.

"You coming or not?"

He bookmarked his book and rushed to stand up.

"Sorry. I got into my book again." He said, nervously tugging on his sweater cuffs.

Michael followed me to my car and climbed into the front seat. Buckling his seatbelt, he crossed his legs and kept his hands in his lap. Calum and Ashton jumped into the back seat and immediately greeted the small boy.

"I'm Calum."

"And I'm Ashton."

Michael smiled at he looked at the two decked out in black.

"I'm Michael." He smiled.

I started up the car and we started towards Calum's house. Michael happily talked with Calum and Ashton, mainly about how America was, which was where he was from.

I turned into Calum's driveway and parked. I got out and shut the door, not bothering to announce that we have reached our destination.

Everyone filed out and Michael followed behind us all, looking around with curious eyes. I picked the lock to the front door even though Calum had a key and it was his house. We all just naturally picked each others doors open when we came over.

Michael saw this but said nothing. He carefully shut the door behind him since he was the last one.

"Alright, orders?" Calum asked, going into the kitchen and popping open the fridge.

"Your house is very nice." Michael complimented.

I almost rolled my eyes but Calum threw a can of beer at me so fast it just barely hit me in the face. I glared at the crossdresser but he just ignored me and handed his boyfriend a beer.

"You want one, Michael?" Calum offered.

"No thank you." The blond said politely.

"We have Pepsi and Root Beer too." Cal said.

"I'm good. Thank you though." Michael said.

He acts like he dresses, such a goody goody. It was sickening.

"Are we going downstairs now?"


Going to watch Finding Dory on Tuesday
So excite

~Cookie Xx

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