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Yesterday I asked to go home early. Reason one, Arzaylea kept glaring at me and reason two, my headache got increasingly worse. My vision kept getting blurry and going back for a few moments.

Luke picked me up but 5 minutes before he rolled up, Arzaylea got on her break and came up to me.

"When did you get that ugly piercing?"

My hand went up to the two black dots on my eyebrow.

"Luke took me to get my ears pierced and I picked it out." I had mumbled.

"What? Do you want to be like him?" She had spat before turning and going back into the mall.

Then Luke rolled up and took me home.

Now I was sitting on my bed, awake from the nightmare I had. It was 3 am so I decided just to go downstairs. Mika and Pika stirred, opening their bright blue eyes to look at me though the darkness.

Their eyes reminded me of Luke's. They followed me down the small hall and into the kitchen. I warmed up some hot chocolate before warming up two bowls of some of the Kitten Milk that was safe for my two kitten to drink.

I set the bowls on the floor before sitting down against the fridge to watch them. They happily lapped up their milk before going to clean their paws. I smiled at the two, drinking my hot drink.

The sun saw just rising, casting orange shadows onto the floor. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the fridge.

My headache was gone but I still didn't feel like doing anything. I wanted to sit on the couch and eat chips.

I heard a car door slam shut and I opened my eyes again. I got up and tried to look through the window in living room from my spot in the kitchen.

 I saw a metallic baby blue Toyota and my mind immediately went to all the car rides in a similar car with my two best friend. Then I saw two people. My best friends.

I raced to the front door and into the driveway. I screamed, probably waking the whole neighborhood, and wrapped my arms around my best friend from America.

"Mikey!" Harry squealed, hugging me back.

He was in his pajamas, a flower print romper, but he still looked flawless. Louis was right behind him, decked out in black skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a jean jacket.

"How's Australia?" Lou smiled.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I laughed, "What are you guys going here?"

"You don't think we'd miss your birthday would you?" Harry laughed.

My birthday.

"Oh my god. That's in two days." I gasped.

"Did you honestly forget?" Harry giggled.

"Yes." I confessed, hiding my fave in my hands, "I completely forgot."

"How do you possibly forget the day of your birth?" Louis asked.

"Oh hush." I rolled my eyes.

A cry came from the backseat of their Toyota, making my head snap to look through the window.

"Oh my." I whispered.

Louis smiled down at the small boy in his arms. He carefully handed me the infant and I smiled down at the tiny bundle of joy.

"Hi Freddie." I cooed as he small fingers curled around my finger.

"Freddie, this is your godfather, Michael." Harry stated.

"How old is he?" I asked.

"Seven months." He replied.

Louis grabbed Freddie's baby bag before closing the door to the car. We all walked into the house and got greeted by Mika and Pika who immediately got along with Freddie.

"Are you sure he's yours? He looks too cute." I joked.

I grinned done at Freddie, who had Harry's bright eyes and dimples and Louis's nose.

"Hey, what are you up? Its almost 4 AM." Harry noted.

"I had a bad dream and I couldn't sleep." I confessed as my phone beeped. 

Babe♥: We don't have school today!?!?

BabyBoy♥: Its Thanksgiving break

Babe♥: Really!? I'll be over in 2 minutes ;)

Babe♥: Cashton want to join :-(

BabyBoy♥: Bring them over and stop with the dirty thoughts mister


BabyBoy♥: No no, bring them over I have a surprise


"Hey baby."

Michael leaned forward and took the cigarette from my lips.

"Hey." I complained.

"There's a baby in the house." He scolded, opening the front door wider.

"Really? Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked as Calum and Ashton took off their shoes and jackets.

"Its not mine." Michael whisper shouted, hitting my shoulder with the back of his hand.

I laughed and leaned down, kissing him. He's so hot when he's mad. A loud wail came from the kitchen, making Michael scamper into the room.

We all followed him. A boy, dressed in plain black skirt with a white shirt, held a small crying infant while another rushed to make a bottle.

"Sorry." The one holding the baby apologized, "He get's fussy when he's hungry."

"It's okay. He's cute so he can do whatever he wishes." Michael cooed, booping the baby's nose.

"This is Freddie." Michael introduced, "Harry, and Louis. Then here's, Calum and Ashton. Then my boyfriend, Luke."

Then I heard him whisper to himself, "Boyfriend...I love that word."

I smiled and reached out to brush my fingertip against his. He smiled under the touch. We all said hi and Michael asked if he could feed Freddie.

"If you want him, take him." Louis joked.

Michael giggled and took Freddie from Harry.

"You want to stay with me, lil Freddie? Huh, cutie?"

*gives u all inhalers*

Alright, RIP larries

~Cookie Xx

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